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Relationship problems


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Hi. I'm 16 years old. My gf is 15, and we seem to be having troubles. At least, thats how i see it. its been 3 monthes, and we used to get along so great, but now, it seems as if she doesnt care about me. I'm almost always the one to call her. Like today, I gave her a v day gift, roses, teddy bear, a card. i dont see her very often, semi-long distance relationship i guess. i didnt even see her today, i just had to send the gifts. well, i called her after a while, cuz i was very curious if my gifts had even been delivered. she wasnt home, but her mom said she would tell her i called, and that she will get home at 7. well, it was 8 30, so i got antsey i guess, so i called her. she didnt seem that excited to talk to me. she didnt thank me for the gifts, just said "that was nice." Im just wondering if im being paranoid here? or if she has gotten bored of me, or what..? she was telling me on the phone that she was making her friends these shirts for valentines day presents. i dont understand, she didnt even tell me happy valentines day, and her friends get shirts? then she says "this stinks, i never get to talk to ya anymore, i guess ill say ill talk to ya sometime, but i dont wanna tell you when, cause it probrably wont happen." Tell me if this relationship is even worth it or not? maybe im just still in it, cuz i know i will never find anyone better...i dont know...

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Hi there......


I'm a little puzzled by her statement:


""this stinks, i never get to talk to ya anymore, i guess ill say ill talk to ya sometime, but i dont wanna tell you when, cause it probably wont happen."


What do you think she meant by this?....that she wasn't going to tell you she'd talk to you later because in all honesty, she really didn't think she WOULD talk to you later?


I think that was truly sweet of you to give her the flowers, card and teddy bear. The fact that she didn't thank you for them, that stinks. To be completely honest with you, either she's no longer interested or she's just really inappreciative and doesn't know good manners. I don't know which. Only she knows for sure.


I'm concerned by your statement, that you don't think you could get any better......why do you feel this way? Of course you deserve someone who'll treat you with kindness, respect and appreciation. Don't you agree?


It's probably best for you to have a talk with her.......get it right out on the line........ask her (nicely) if her feelings for you/the relationship have changed......and let her know you were hurt that she didn't even bother to thank you for the gifts/wish you a Happy V-Day. Try to get to the truth. If she doesn't want to talk about it, or you still don't understand, I'd say it's time for you to find someone better ......and to just ignore her and move on.



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This girl is rude as hell. A blow up doll an older friend can buy for you at an adult store is kinder and more accomodating.


Write her off. It sounds to me that she got another honey anyway. Anybody who doesn't even say thanks for some special Valentine's Day gifts isn't worth your time.


If you start your dating life taking this kind of crap off of chicks, you will have a miserable life of relationships until you learn to insist on kindness and respect.


You also sound like a very nice guy. That can be a serious problem too. Lots of young girls don't like real nice guys. They get easily bored with them. A girls absolutely HATE guys who accept their rudeness and come back for more. Tell this girl to take a hike and you'll have her eating out of your hands.

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