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Valentine's Day

Curious in Concert

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Curious in Concert

I'm deeply in love with my SO, and I sent them something for V-Day, and left some romantic messages on my SO's phone. But, I've recieved nothing in response. Not a card, not a letter, not a box, not even a little phone call to just show that he/she even remembered that is V-Day. Should I call him/her or wait to see what happens?

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What's with all this "he/she" business, you trying to be really mysterious? haha (kidding)


Personally, I'd wait. If you call them, they'll probably end up thanking you ONLY because they feel put on the spot........best to see what they do UNPROVOKED.


Did you send these items to their home or work? If it was to their home, is it possible they didn't get home yet and haven't even received them yet?


Don't you find it strange that they didn't bother to at least call YOU and wish you a happy V-Day? You must be a woman and you're talking about a guy...cuz guys sometimes forget these things HAHAHAHA...kidding, no offense to all the nice, romantic sweet men out there........


Laurynn (putting on my asbestos suit now)

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Curious in Concert

I called her cell. She got it. I do find it strange, she did get my messages, and I am a guy talking about a girl.

What's with all this "he/she" business, you trying to be really mysterious? haha (kidding)


Personally, I'd wait. If you call them, they'll probably end up thanking you ONLY because they feel put on the spot........best to see what they do UNPROVOKED. Did you send these items to their home or work? If it was to their home, is it possible they didn't get home yet and haven't even received them yet? Don't you find it strange that they didn't bother to at least call YOU and wish you a happy V-Day? You must be a woman and you're talking about a guy...cuz guys sometimes forget these things HAHAHAHA...kidding, no offense to all the nice, romantic sweet men out there........ Laurynn (putting on my asbestos suit now)

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I don't understand..you called her on her cell and you know she received your gifts? Did you actually talk to her? Or did you just leave msg's on her cell?


How long have you been together?


Why aren't you two spending Valentine's Day evening together? (or is it a long distance relationship?).......


So what do you make of all this? Is she the type of person who'd receive gifts from you and not call to say thanks?



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Curious in Concert

I left a message on her cell in the morning, and then a text message through the middle of the day. I just called her about an hour ago and talked to her for 5 minutes. She had someone over, and when I called, she only said "Happy Valentine's Day" -after- I had said I should go because I didn't want to interrupt her being with her friend.


We've been together for 2 months. A long-distance relationship. No, she isn't the type of person who wouldn't say thanks, and I'm hurt, and disappointed, and confused that she wouldn't at least call me.

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Was it a male or female friend? Do you know for certain which one? I don't mean to hurt you but I think it's awfully suspicious, majorly hurtful and extremely rude that you'd have sent her those gifts, left her msg's and she didn't even have the DECENCY to call and say thanks. Seems to me like she wasn't going to call.


Is it possible she had a guy over visiting, and that's why she didn't call?


I'm very sorry that you're hurting, my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine caring about someone and going out of your way to make their day special.....and them not even giving a crap. You deserve so much more. She sounds like a total wench. If I were you, I'd not ever have anything more to do with her....ever.



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How has your relationship been going? Is it possible that she was really overwhelmed by your gifts? Did she not even send you a card? If not, why do you think not? Do you think that 'says something'?


What are you going to do now? Are you going to ignore her for a few days? Surely if she had any brains, she'd know how hurt you must be.


Do you think it's possible that her feelings for you have somehow changed? and she's afraid to tell you?


Is her cousin from out of town or something? Why would she put her cousin before her own boyfriend?



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Curious in Concert

Our relationship has been going good. SHe just told me last weekend that she loves me, and I know she does. I don't believe she would be overwhelmed by them. I do that sort of thing, and she knows that. Not even a card. I have no clue as to why. I don't think it says anything. I'm to hurt and confused to think it means anything, right now.


I dunno what I'm going to do. And I'm not the type to start ignoring someone I love because they hurt me. I'm going to talk to her about it, and I want to find out what is going on, and she must know how I feel. Her cousin lives in town, and I don't know why she would do that.


Thats why I've been asking you, is because I don't know exactly what to make of it, or what to do, and I needed some advice.

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Well I'll be brutally honest with you. From where I sit, the whole thing looks mighty fishy. If you're a new couple and it was last weekend that she professed her love to you, I can't understand why on earth she'd be so rude to you on Valentine's Day..........and.........maybe I'm just too skeptical/suspicious, but I find it hard to believe that her female cousin would be over visiting on V-Day evening....and that she'd put her cousin before you/when you called. Seeing how you called her on her cell, how do you know where she was?


What Im trying to say, without upsetting you and making you feel worse than you already do......is something is up. Things just don't add up. Like maybe she's seeing another guy behind your back, and she spent the evening with him.....and *that's* why she couldn't call you, obviously.


How did you 2 meet? Online, by any chance? (chat room, internet personals)......how many times have you spent together 'in person'?



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Curious in Concert

Well, I have since talked to her about it. It was her cousin, and she was at home when I actually got to talk to her. Her cousin was on the other phone, and she hates being eavesdropped on and her cousin didn't leave until 1 in the morning. Her cousin came over practicly right after she was finished cleaning up her living space.

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