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Is it just me?


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I am 29 years old, fell in love in October last year, wildest three months of our lives then we found out we were pregnant. From that day everything has changed.


This loving affectionate person I once knew now cant even hold my hand in public, say thankyou for anything, and spends every possible minute of the day with her sisters. Time with me appears to be a chore.


I havent changed, as loving as ever, and I understand the hormone thing with pregnancy but how come she is so awful with me yet so nice to everyone else. When I ask her she says she is happy, yet we just dont talk.....She'll tell all my friends and family that she adores me but cant bring herself to tell me she loves me?


I love her so much my head is absolutely boxed.

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You didn't say how old she was or just how good the communication is between the two of you. If you communicated well, you would know her exact feelings.


There are many things that could be going on here. First, an unplanned pregancy out of wedlock with someone she may or may not have deep feelings for is not something that would send most women into an loving emotional tailspin.


She's probably still dazed, confused, and certainly in a place she had never in her life planned to be. She may be feeling very guilty for representing she was taking birth control or angry at you for not. Maybe she was only seeking to get pregnant and you having fulfilled your duty, she no longer needs you.


Perhaps her parents and friends have soured her towards you. Perhaps the pregancy has caused her to look at you from a far different perspective than she did during this wild, passionate romance phase. A pregnancy can put that out of business real fast where there is not a great foundation of admiration, love and respect that forms over time. You didn't say how long you have been seeing her, only that you fell in love in October...not a real long time ago. Did she EVER tell you she was in love with you?


Maybe she feels if she discussed her feelings with you, you wouldn't be accepting or be able to understand. She tells you she is happy, but with what or whom? Your post leaves a lot of mystery about her emotional makeup. If she were happy with you, her attitude would be different. This would be a very special occasion she would be wanting to share with you, not so much with her sisters.


There are an infinite number of possibilities here. If this is any kind of a relationship at all, there would be sound communication and you would know the answers. Try to get them from her and fast.


I don't think hormones have anything to do with this. But I will say that if you don't get clear answers soon, plan to move on with your life and career. You'll need about $500-$800 per month more for child support once she sees her attorney. Actually you'll need something close to that whether you stay together or not...once the baby arrives...and that's not including the doctor and hospital costs of delivery.


Maybe the money thing is what's on her mind. Go find out.

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