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If you had the chance, what would you change about yourself? Physical or mental.

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What would you change if you had the chance. I mean not just plastic surgery, also actually things that, as of now, they can't fix. For me, my head is too small for my body and my one breast is larger. And what about personality? I would change the fact that i don't really speak my mind too much. I hold a lot of stuff in. What about you guys?

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For looks I would change my nose in a heartbeat. I was going to do it untill they told me it would cost 6000.00 dollars. I can wait! :rolleyes:


As for personality the fact that my good heart gets in the way of dealing with situations and people and I end up being the nicer, bigger person. And people know this and so I hate it. For ex; If my mother has to give my brother and I a present and she only has a real expensive one that cast 300.00 dollars and a certificate to a restaurant....she'll think well let me give the certificate to EC because shes humble anything will do for her and lets give her brother the 300.00 so that he wont complain.


I hate that!

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A permanent drop to a size 6.

A breast lift and reduction.

A permanent removal of leg hair.

No more headaches (perm. brain scarring, no help there but it would be nice if it could be fixed :( )

A better sense of self-worth in terms of career and personal achievement.

An ability to attract large amounts of money.

A more even temper.

Instant long hair (trying to grow it back, wish I could snap my fingers and have it back to where it was)

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Height from 5'6" to 6'

my face because I suffer from facial disfigurement (car accident 10 years ago) that left my left cheek swollen in my face so I have a face that looks like I was punched in the face.

my legs cause one leg is about half an inch shorter than the other (due to car accident)


but all this is not stopping me from living my Life. I sometimes am self-conscious (usually aroudn extremely pretty girls) but now I see the inner beauty (which is the real them) instead of what they are strutting around (looking to be laid by a Mr. GQ)

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Originally posted by bluetuesday

I wish my tongue was 9000 miles long.



Mine is, almost.


I'd make myself better at returning phone calls, a more conscientious employee, and less of a procrastinator.



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I've beaten my habit of procrastination. Whenever I feel like I'm going to procrastinate, I simply put it off until tomorrow.

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No Blue Tuesday, you cannot be the Lizard Queen :laugh:


If I could get anything I could want, I would wish my mind could not confuse myself anymore, i.e. complete clarity of mind. It would instantaneously cure me from my occasional temper.

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Originally posted by bluetuesday

I've beaten my habit of procrastination. Whenever I feel like I'm going to procrastinate, I simply put it off until tomorrow.



Now that's what I'm talking about.

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

As for personality the fact that my good heart gets in the way of dealing with situations and people and I end up being the nicer, bigger person. And people know this and so I hate it. For ex; If my mother has to give my brother and I a present and she only has a real expensive one that cast 300.00 dollars and a certificate to a restaurant....she'll think well let me give the certificate to EC because shes humble anything will do for her and lets give her brother the 300.00 so that he wont complain.


I hate that!

Thats my exact problem. I'm to nice of a person to say anything. Oh don't worry, Lex wont mind taking this old T shirt while her sister takes this brand new car. But there has to be a line somewhere!

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Well physically I would love to be skinny. I never have been. I have always been thick.

I would like to have plastic surgery on my arms because I am so self consious about that part of my body.


My personality is great the only thing I would change is the ability to say no and to stand up for myself more. I'm the type of person that people take advantage of and it's hard for me to say no to ppl. I'm often told that I'm too nice.

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Originally posted by georgeb

I'd fix this stutter of mine.

I would recommend that as well. Not that i actually listen to the utter stupidity that comes out of you mouth. I am hearing it. So please for your sake and mind, how about you just stop talking all together!

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Hmm.. My struggle is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done :o


Responsibility for making a "plan" in life doesn't come easy for me.. the rest of my family is amazing with this.. they all have budgets, organization etc... I tend to let things come as they may and not worry about things.. damn!

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Hm. I like my body, I just would like to downsize it. I would correct my vision, as I am nearly blind. I would fix my financial situation, and be more outgoing.

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i wish my penis was like 2" longer. then it'd be perfect cause it is already nice 'n thick. but i'm pretty good at using what i got, atleast that is what most of the women said.


.......but they were prob lying anyways :(



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OMG, curvy, I gave my husband that card for Easter several years ago and he loved it! thanks for the memory, that was a great card to find ..


what would I change?

1. a less fuzzy brain, better memory capacity

2. weigh less. Much much less

3. a boob reduction

4. no flat feet

5. improved vision (I can live with the glasses, though)

6. better hearing

7. lose my fear of speaking in front of groups

8. a better memory

9. be less resentful about my sibs

10. be more in tune with my spirituality

11. not be so dang lazy


but I'd forsake all of those (except maybe the less fuzzy brain) to not have this damned problem brought on by PCOS: unwanted hair!

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i wish my penis was like 2" longer


girth is much, much more pleasurable than length. no use making yer girl feel like it's gonna poke out her nose when you're going at it frantically!

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Originally posted by quankanne

i wish my penis was like 2" longer


girth is much, much more pleasurable than length. no use making yer girl feel like it's gonna poke out her nose when you're going at it frantically!


yaa, i agree QUANKANNE. If i had a choice betwwen being 2" longer but with a pencil dick then I'd keep what i got.


thanks you're the best.

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It would be mental. If I could rid myself of demons I could accomplish almost anything physical.

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I would not suffer Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!

I would worry less

I would be more confident and believe in myself

I would permanently remove leg and bikini line hair

I would be a little bit taller

I would be more flexible so I could win my dancing comps

I would be more easy going

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Hmm ... quite a few posters put up so many character/physical traits that they would erase all their character 'flaws.'


It might be a better idea for the rest of the thread to keep it limited to 1 change.

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

A better sense of self-worth in terms of career and personal achievement.


Ditto for me on that one.


And my nose. I have a dimple in my nose that I've always been self-concious about all my life. Used to be made fun of... That's the only thing.

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I've got those two vertical lines on my forehead, between the eyebrows...you know the ones I mean.


I noticed they would appear on my face when I was deeply concentrating on something (usually a work project), but now they are there permanently.


My ex who was much younger than me, commented on how youthful my face was, and noted that he was the one who had a few wrinkles, whereas I had none.


BUT, he also told me one of the first things he noticed when we met, was those 2 creases between the eyesbrows :mad: .......geez, it's left me self-conscious ever since.


I have since made a few inquiries and learned that I am a good candidate for the botox treatment that will erase/minimize them.


Thing is : you have to get it done every few months and it's NOT cheap.


I have another alternative in mind : growing my bangs long.


I want those 2 creases covered, camouflaged, GONE!


They have a tendency to make me look serious sometimes, when in fact I'm feeling the opposite.

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