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If you had the chance, what would you change about yourself? Physical or mental.

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I've got those two vertical lines on my forehead, between the eyebrows...you know the ones I mean.


My mom had them and I can see where they're planning to settle in on me. I hate them because I think they look scowly.


I have a friend who had them and she got them fixed - not by botox but by an operation. Seems they cut the muscle that makes that bit of your brow scrunch up. She doesn't look expressionless or anything.


I don't believe in plastic surgery, but if they could stick a laparoscope in a little incision and chop that sucker, I might go for it. Don't wanna be a grouchy-looking old lady !

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Originally posted by Pocky

I wouldn't have diabetes and RLS.




RLS? Restless Leg Syndrome?

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Originally posted by Israfil



RLS? Restless Leg Syndrome?


Yes. Restless Leg Syndrome. :(

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I would change the fact the I'm narrow-minded. I never really see the big picture. I nit pick too much as things. Even if its trivial.


Physical - I would change my hands. I have such man hands no matter how may manicures I get. Ever see that Seinfeld where the woman Jerry dates has man hands and it grosses him out b/c she breaks the lobster shell with her bare hands?


Yeah, thats me, just not to that extent.

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I'm going straight to the top on this one:



I would change myself such that I became the most beautiful man on the planet.



I would change myself such that I became the smartest man on the planet.



(then I suppose I would become the lonliest man on the planet :( )

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All these things you want to change - you can change! As far as personality is concerned, just act that way and you will become. Try it. It's under your control. As for noses, wrinkles etc - a person without imperfections is not an interesting person. They might be the very thing that attracts someone to you.

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True, sylviaguardian. Without imperfections, one will end up as an old spinster / bachelor.


and bluechocolate:


Physically: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Mentally: which implies you are going to live a totally different life-style to what you are having now.


Just curious: Where do you think you would end up, if you were the smartest and most beautiful man on the planet?

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Originally posted by d'Arthez

and bluechocolate:

Physically: beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Mentally: which implies you are going to live a totally different life-style to what you are having now.

I thought my post was rather tongue-in-cheek.

Just curious: Where do you think you would end up, if you were the smartest and most beautiful man on the planet?

Right where I am now! :p

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physically not much. i was always a little "ehhh" about my nose. i have had the same button nose since the day i was born. it makes me look very young. but i know that one day that will be a blessing so i ignore it. though you get less respect when you look young.


the one thing i wish i could change the most is my temper. i like the fact that no one can push me around and i refuse to deal with bullsh*t. but i get irritated very easily and it can make my bf miserable. i just can't stand stupid, ignorant adults that play childish games! that is most of the people i work with. i have been miserable to be around because everyday at work is just as bad as the last. think i need a new job?? sorry, my rant. anways one thing i wish i could change was to choose my battles better.

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i just can't stand stupid, ignorant adults that play childish games! that is most of the people i work with. i have been miserable to be around because everyday at work is just as bad as the last. think i need a new job??


Nah. Just a new attitude. We tend to get frustrated with people who are dolts because we wish they were otherwise. If you can manage to accept that that's just how they are and that's life and to quit expecting/hoping they'll be different, you'll feel all the stress and irritation flow away.


After all, the only person who gets harmed by your anger is you - and you deserve to treat you better than that, no? :)

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einahpets, that is one of the reasons I would want to have complete clarity of mind. It would cure me of my temper too.


My temper flares up occasionally when I am faced with plain idiocy. I would not feel harshly about adults behaving as if they were in kindergarten. I would look at them, as if I was a fool, but I would know better.



The positive? I already get taken for a fool oftentimes, possibly already the majority of times.

The negative? I am single :laugh:

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good point moi :)


of course easier said then done, but it is something to strive for. you couldn't believe the people i work with. i guarantee it is worse than most coworkers. :o

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If I could change anything at this precise moment, it would be my memory.


I wish I could erase parts of it entirely (like the last 5 months) and remember other bits more acutely (like my first 18 years).


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind…. *sigh*

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I put my husband/friends/family first before me way too much...

Would LOVE to rid of this F**K'n anxiety disorder I have...Any takers?? :p

Don't take advice well, can give it but can't take it (I hear it but I get irritated easily...)

Procrastination - I'll pass that off to somebody else too!

Would like to stand up to my mother more often than I do, I'm too nice and considerate sometimes...

I'm too lazy at times.

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of course easier said then done, but it is something to strive for. you couldn't believe the people i work with. i guarantee it is worse than most coworkers.


I imagine so - but there, you know that so it's pointless to expect them to be different. Just realize you're headed into some alternate universe every day, act accordingly, and then when you leave, be normal again. It'll be much easier on your system, trust me.

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i just expect adults to act like adults, not children. they steal your tupperware out of the fridge, hide things so others cannot use them, tattle to management, throw temper tantrums, just childish games. etc. etc. etc. i worked at a daycare center and the children there acted more adult. it is just so frustrating. and i realize i can't complain much. for i am the idiot that is still working there.


thanks moi. one day this job will be just a memory. its not worth the stress it is doing to my body.

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its not worth the stress it is doing to my body.


In my last job, I was making double the money I'm making now but it was killing me. No point having lots o' bucks if you're dead!!

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Mentally: I would have it so i could be a math whiz! i can't do anything past Algebra w/ trig. and even that is a chore!

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I wish I could speak more intelligently. I speak simple terms and feel stupid at times when I am speaking to someone who uses all big (same-meaning-as-my-simple-words,) words!!!


I like the rest of me, but would be nice if the crow feet on my eyes would like = go away! Im only almost 30 :)

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