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Please HELP!!!!

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

ok, me and this girl dated for almost 2 years. Well she dumped me over a year ago because she says that she still cares about me, but im her first boyfriend and that she wants to date other guys to see what else is out there. It broke my heart and i ceased all contact with her. Im a really emotional guy so it took me several months to heal.


Well just recently me and her started talking again. We both are single. We decided to go out to a club last weekend. We had lots of fun and she said she wanted to go with me next weekend also.


I started to realize that my feelings for her is starting to come back. I have always loved the hell out of her. I haven't been able to get myself to call her since the date. I guess im afraid that my feelings will get hurt again. I really want to get back with her but something keeps holding me back from calling her.


Im sooo confused and don't know which direction to go. If i could get another chance with her i would do it in a second but what if she still wants to see other guys? Im tooo scared to get emotional with her again. Im just trying to avoid another heartbreak by her.


So, should i call her? I do still have lots of feelings for her but don't know if i should still talk to her or not. How do i know how she feels towards me? If I could get another chance with her i would, but i don't want to screw it up but i also don't want to get hurt again. Any suggestions? Any and all advise would be great!!

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You are in the perfect situation. Call her up and ask her to go have a Coke or lunch or something with you.


Take her for a short walk and tell her you still have feelings for her. Ask her if she is open to getting things going again. If she only broke up with you a year ago, I doubt she has gotten all the dating stuff out of her system but you never know.


Her interest in doing things with you now is promising. However, from her perspective she may think you are ready for a nice friendship. Don't fool yourself into thinking that as well...YOU WANT MORE!!!


If she says she wants to start dating you again, terrific. If she still wants to date around and see what's out there, you will be no worse off than you are right now.


I am 100 percent behind you, though. If it takes you so long to get over somebody, you certainly don't want to go investing all those emotions back into a situation that's going to sting you again.


By the same token, if she tells you she is not interested in anything more than a friendship right now, that information may help you to move along in your life more quickly and find other ladies who will be interested in romance with you.


I don't think you ought to be friends with your ex at a time when you want a lot more if she's not willing to give it. That would simply be cruel to yourself.

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