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Feeling extremely sad Gf don't give any attention

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I'm living in Pakistan, before that I also wrote my stories about her we still are in relation I just can't let her go she lives in Bulgaria I'm really obsessed with her,emotionally , I feel so down right now beyond the expectations even I have tears in my eyes while I'm writing I forgive my girl how ever cheated lie on me but its not about any more like this she's very care less dont realize some one waits for her when ever she is with her friends she forgets me I already feel insecure she even made a passport to come to me but yesterday we had a issue and she said to leave me etc then at the end we again in relation I'm so upset on every thing to be honest. What should I really do ?

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It is very hard to have a long-distance relationship. Besides how some people just need to have the person there with them more than others, there is also knowing that the chances are not good to be able to be together and knowing that we must move on since there are no guarantees. And in addition to that, when people are young, there are many opportunities and time will not stand still. Change is inevitable.


I am so sorry for your pain. I think the best thing to do is try to refocus on going and doing fun things alone or with friends and not let yourself dwell on her too much. You will learn that life can still be very good even when everything does not go according to plan. Sometimes life has a surprise for us if we just keep busy being active. The universe rewards momentum. You keep trying to make a good life for yourself despite your sadness, and the universe will put the wind at your back.

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You are just emotionally addicted to this person...it is not healthy so time to heal and move on. The quicker you let go the quicker you will find someone else that can make you happy. Don't do LDRs, they are painful and waste of time.

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