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Want to move on....and fast

In a Rut

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The way my r/ship with my boyfriend ended really cut me up. It became rather bitter, although I never said anything to hurt him.


He said things that hurt me, and apologized a few days later by way of an indepth, emotional letter.


Has anyone else had a lot of trouble getting over a someone?


I accept that we're not together anymore, and it was my decision when we split to have no contact with him. It would have been too painful.


I have so many beautiful memories of our relationship, because he was always so wonderful to me, up until the day we split.


I'm finding this tough too, because he moved on not long after we split. I'm fully aware he has his own life now, but just knowing he's getting on with his life is really hard. I damn well wish I was.


I feel like such an idiot and so desperately want to move on.


Please help.

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Healing takes time...just have patience with yourself. Be with friends, treat yourself nice, do things you want to do for yourself.


There is no way you need a guy that just goes sour on you in one day. Maybe you thought this was a nice relationship but this dude was a time bomb ready to explode at anytime.


Be glad you're rid of him...and that this happened before you were married with children.

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