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LS, I need major help. I caught the flu a few days ago and now I'm all feverish and generally ill.


I saw my doc today who gave me a syrop for my caugh that makes me really really sleepy and... I totally hate it. I need to get better asap, because I am during my last month of Master with tones of paperwork exams, etc.



Jeez, it couldn't be any worse.


So if you know any old granny remedies (not the "gran'ma stu' " please :) ), I'll be much obliged.


Thank you.




P.S. I cannot drin k too much hot tea or hot milk, it's a real effort to even get out of bed. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!!!!!!!

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I don't often drink soft drinks -- I'm an iced tea junkie -- but I swear, Coca-Cola is the only thing that will cure my dehydration when I'm sick. My mom also used to give us 7-Up to sip on, thinking that it would calm our stomachs down ... or at least not come up vile-tasting!


I've also heard that yogurt helps your body cure itself, though I've not asked about that one or tried it.


hope you get to feeling better, Curly!

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Ibuprofen for pain (if you are not allergic)






Stay off LS



Don't breathe on anyone and change out your toothbrush.

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If you have a sore throat, suck on a lemon. All the acid in the lemon kills the bacteria in your throat.


They have these flu pops that are made for children. But its an ice pop by pedialyte. That will be an enjoyable remedy!

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i firmly believe in thera-flu too....but you are not in the states.


drinks lots of water or better yet, Pedia-lite....anything with electrolites.


Kill the Juice too!


green tea


take your vitamins, add extra C

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I can't help you with what your feeling right now, but I used to get sick A LOT because my immune system was weak. So I heard from a friend to take Echinacea pills. They are like vitamins to boost your immune system and you can get them at wal-mart or any pharmacy.


So now when I feel a cold comming on or flu I take them and my cold last only like two days. Or if I get sick and then I take them I get better quicker. It really has helped me A LOT!! I haven't gotten a cold in like 3 months when I used to get them 1 a month.

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All that has been suggested is great but do add this to all of it as well:


Take a pot of water get it boiling and inhale the steam for a good 5 minutes!

It will help the congestion and the flu bug does not like high heat!


Being in the medical field all around me are dropping like flies and ask me why I have not succumbed to it yet? I live alone and I hit the steam bath at the Y at least 3 times a week!


The flu season has hit late this year and it is horrible watching people go through the woes of it! :o

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

I used to get sick A LOT because my immune system was weak. So I heard from a friend to take Echinacea pills. They are like vitamins to boost your immune system and you can get them at wal-mart or any pharmacy.


The FDA recenlty blackballed that stuff, they say it puts hair on your tongue.






Kiddin. So what is it? :laugh:

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Originally posted by tiki



The FDA recenlty blackballed that stuff, they say it puts hair on your tongue.


Kiddin. So what is it? :laugh:


is your avatar REALLY your tounge tiki? :)


echinacia is an herb...

weed is an herb too!

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TIKI they are stuff the indians used to use back in the days. I mean I was doubtful but I have been so good ever since I started taking them. I would do a google search on it but Im lazy lol :p but it tells you everything if you look it up on yahoo.


I bought mine at walmart and it cuts my healiong time for anything cold, bruise, whatever in half. I'm only sick for like a day in half now.

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Okay, okay. I just wanted to scare ya. And I liked the sound of that hairy tongue thing. :o

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Hot Bath, Pint of Whiskey, Cover up on the sofa with tons of quilts, chug the pint, sweat it out.

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If you have acess to a steam room maby at a gym or something that always helps me sweat it out.... but then again wiskey sounds better

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Originally posted by Moose

Hot Bath, Pint of Whiskey, Cover up on the sofa with tons of quilts, chug the pint, sweat it out.

Moose is right!


Here is the variation of the same that I used once or twice and it worked, the next morning I was all better!


1. About 2 hours before you go to sleep put every blanket and quilt you have on your bed first, you are going to want to sweat a lot.

2. Drink half a bottle of cognac (about 375 ml).

3. Crawl into bed and sweat like crazy.


The next morning you should feel better or completely cured! :)

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Eat when you're hungry, rest, sleep, nap as soon as you're tired, and drink lots and lots. If you can tolerate it, take 500 mg of Vitamin C 4 x a day. And I found this out quite by accident when I was once sick while on a work assignment in Florida - wrap yourself in as many clothes as you can manage, and then bury yourself under lots of blankets and sweat it out. It's better than going to a gym because you are not going outside and getting cold at all.


If you allow yourself a couple of days to totally baby yourself, you'll get well faster than if you try to keep on working and living normally.

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well..if you have any chinese friends....Try some chinese herbal medicine, stuff works. Usually when i get sick, mum cooks some for me, all natural and doesnt weaken your immune system unlike western medicine.


stay away from dairy, it produces excess mucus, and sometimes makes it thicker, as several people have told me and i can confirm. i learned that the hard way this winter....but hey i love milk, what can i say?


get enough sleep, drink enough fluids, and vitamine C. Make sure ot wear more clothes, wouldnt want to catch another cold as the other is healing would we?

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Thank you, my friends.


I've slept most of the day yesterday and even more surprisingly, I've slept all night last night also. Promise to carefully read your posts.




P.s. my bf came to take care of me last night - I had warned him it was the flu and not a common cold. He brought me Nuggets from McDonalds. I was too weak to say anything, ate everything, took all my pills and then... threw up :sick: , LOL (I am learning, see?). Ok, lesson nr.1: no McDonalds when I'm sick! The bad part was that I had to take all my pills all over again. The good part was seeing my bf in MY kitchen (he hates it).

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Oh no - well, hope the stomach issues don't continue. I definitely would not eat anything fried for the next few days (like McNuggets). When my kids are sick to their stomaches we put them on the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast - bland and easy to digest. Toast should be dry (no butter or other fat).


Curly - I love your use of LOOL - don't stop - I thought of a translation for it - laughing out of love - we all find it endearing....


Hope you're better soon!!

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I love toast and rice. Hate Bananas, ;).


I'm much better today, I drank tones of tea and milk. My only problem is that I tend to be snacking all the time ( I am never home during the day so I never actually had to fight this temptation). Add an upset stomach and you see me going every five minutes in front of my refrigerator, staring at all the food inside and going back to bed. Repeat all day!



Brash, I am so used to writing LOOL I didn't even realise I was making a mistake. Maybe because my intention usually is to write LOOOOOOOOOOL, hihihihih. MAybe I'll do what Heather suggested, write MDR (LOL in French: morte de rire). I'll be sure not to get those achronymes wrong.


Thanks, everyone, I'm up and working, to my total surprise (I must have slept... more than 15 hours yesterday, totally unusual if you knew me. I am flirting with insomnia on daily basis, to tell you the truth)


I won't hug you or kiss you, since I'm sick, but I am wishing you all a great day!



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