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lacking passion in everything

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I'm 'successful' in that I have made it in a very competitive job that not only helps other people but also pays well. Dream job right? But I do the bare minimum for my job because I'm just not into it. I just kinda got into the job and I was smart enough to keep passing classes and yes there are beautiful moments where you touch people's lives but somehow it's not fulfilling for me.

However, I've invested 8 years in this and basically have no other skills at this point. I would have to start over and I've already delayed my start.



I also have had one relationship and while I have GREAT friendships, as a lover I am timid and again, lack the firey passion one expects. I am not spontaneous, though friends say they find me fun and quirky.



I feel like I'm sleepwalking through life.

Does anyone else get what I'm going through?

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Despite the lack of responses, I've wager many people can relate to being dispassionate about their jobs.


Do you have some idea what you'd like to pursue?

Forget the practicalities of it, I'm talking just a raw idea.


You want to be spontaneous.

What holds you back?


As a lover, you're reserved.



It helps to untangle these things, rather than lump them all together.

Parse out these questions and look at the answers individually.

They may NOT have a common theme, which is what I sense you're expecting.

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sdrawkcaB ssA

i never had passion enough to be geeky, as many of my friends through the years had no idea how techy my jobs were. I did them well and until jobs demanded at home contacts for issues on weekends and holidays, i gave it up for less pay, as i am a strong believer of a home life away from the job. Just because your hired does not mean they own you!

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