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New Relationship


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There is no good way and no good reason to keep a long distance relationship together. If you cannot move near her or she cannot move near you within a very reasonable amount of time, it's chances are slim.


To be more encouraging, I would think having a very cheap long distance service and keeping in contact often would be the best idea. Frequent weekend visits would also be indicated. But even that will wear thin in time.


Long distance relationship is an oxymoron. The nature of relationships are togetherness, physicial togetherness. There are emergencies and certain life requirements that sometimes temporarilly separate lovers, but to set out to keep one going is not a good idea. One of you, I promise, will start see others more geographically accessible.


Relationships take work. Keeping someone physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually fulfilled via telephone is impossible over the long term.


I hope you can pull this off. Most people can't. Perhaps the two of you will remain nice phone friends.

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