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Re: Guys

OBU Bison

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I would say that he is wanting to get a lot of things. It sounds like he is wanting to date around with other girls but, still get the physical aspect from you. I would say that you should not let him have his fun. Since he broke it off, you need to not give him what he is wanting. He is prob ably thinking that since you love him, you will just do whatever he says. Don't let him pull you into the physical stuff that he wants.!! I hope this helps. best of luck. Don't let him keep playing games with you you don't deserve it!!! :)

I need help! My boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago, but he still holds my hand and puts his hands up my shirt and puts his arms around me and holds me. It is so confusing because I want him back and I love him. I don't know what to do. I love the attention he gives me and he still acts like he likes me, but yet he broke up with me. I don't get it! My friends say to play hard to get and I will get him back, but I am not so sure. What do I do, I don't want to loose the attention his is still giving me because I like it. Help! I am about to go crazy.
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you don't break up with a person and continue to do things such as putting your hand up their shirt and holding hands etc. i can't help but wonder if this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too....


he may still feel affection for you, but he is leading you on in a big way. he probably knows how you feel about him and thinks that he can get away with what he wants, because you are letting him.


if you really want this guy to want you back, break contact with him. make him wonder about you. if you are so easily accessible, you are not a challenge and he will continue to do whatever the hell he wants. you are putting him in control here. don't let him do that. but on the other hand, playing hard to get can be equivalent to playing games...and there is nothing more annoying than game-playing.


the simple fact is - he broke up with you for a reason. if he wants you back, he will come back. in the meantime, i would suggest that you really cut down the amount of contact you have with him. it is very hard to try and move on when you feel deeply for someone, but you have to try.


i know you don't want to lose the attention he is giving you, but it is not the right kind of attention you are getting from him. to continue in the situation you are in, will only drive you more crazy than you are already feeling.


i would simply tell him that if he doesn't want me as a girlfriend, he can't have me at all. put your foot down and don't let him walk all over you because it suits him. there is nothing more unattractive than a girl who can't be strong.


like i said, if he really wants you back, he will come running.

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I know what you should do but I found myself in this position before. It is confusing. My advice is to tell him that since you are no longer dating, the physical part of the relationship is over or at least for now. If he thinks he can just have you as a friend and feel you up anytime he wants, he will do it.

I need help! My boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago, but he still holds my hand and puts his hands up my shirt and puts his arms around me and holds me. It is so confusing because I want him back and I love him. I don't know what to do. I love the attention he gives me and he still acts like he likes me, but yet he broke up with me. I don't get it! My friends say to play hard to get and I will get him back, but I am not so sure. What do I do, I don't want to loose the attention his is still giving me because I like it. Help! I am about to go crazy.
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