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My girlfriend lied to me and cheated on me

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My girlfriend lied to me and cheated on me with an EX boyfriend, she had gotten into an argument with me told me she needed space and then she went out with her friends, the worst part about it is I found out by her EX who my girlfriend had lied to as well and told him she was single, he showed me pictures of them having a good time in vegas and I asked him if they had sex he didn't want to answer but then told me they did, so I called my girlfriend after finding out the truth and she's still denying after I saw pictures and her EX told me everything he told me he had nothing to gain from this because he doesn't want a girl that lies and cheats on her boyfriend and because it's the right thing to do. So what do I do now?

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Wait, so she lies and tells you she needs space. Runs of to Vegas with an Ex boyfriend, and sleeps with him. You see pics of them together and she's still lying about it and you have to ask what to do next?!?!?!



Drop her and move on!

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How do you know that she ran off with him? How do you know the pictures he showed you were current and not old?



You might think he has nothing to gain. But he might want her back in his life.



I rarely tell the other man. It's for them to figure out. I've done it twice and both times I was done with the woman already.



If she truly is lying to you.. Move on. She will do it again.. Block her number, block her on facebook, delete her photos. DO NOT LOOK BACK. She does not deserve you and you do not deserve what she has done.



It's one thing to ask for space. It's an entirely different thing to cheat while that space is given.

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