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My Girlfriend & College

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So I've been dating this girl for about 4 months. I noticed today that she recently (within the last week or so) changed her relationship status from "in a relationship with me" to blank (the "Ask" button is now displayed). We both have recently went off to college; our schools are about 45 mins apart. This summer, we spent so much time together and I really though that the relationship was meant to be. We both were in love with each other. Now that we both have went to college, she seems more distant, always occupied by something, and doesn't have much time for me. I also noticed that she began texting another guy about 2 weeks ago; she said that he has a girlfriend and that he knows that she has me. In spite of this, they seem to talk more than me and her do(Maybe i'm wrong, it's just what it seems) and she always sounds annoyed when texting and talking to me (i.e. lots of one word texts). She also never seems to want to talk to me on the phone. I will say that my girlfriend is very talkative and social; am I overreacting to this situation or is she hiding something from me? Also, the other night after I took her on a date, I dropped her off at her dorm before making my journey back to my dorm. She told me that she was going to go to sleep, so I said goodnight just after I began driving. Turns out she went to a frat party and got drunk, but claimed that she was the "good person" and pulled her drunk friend away from all the drunk guys. But she didn't tell me about this till the morning after when she was hung over. Am I overreacting?


Thank you so much in advance

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I would dump her bro, just cut ties before she gets a chance to gut you.



for some, college is a time of rigorous studying and self-improvement.



for others, it's a time of experimentation and debauchery.



it's generally best not to get seriously involved with young girls in college.

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Writing is on the wall, dude. She's texting him a lot and texts you one or two word responses. Therefore, it tells me that she's more invested in this other dude than you.



And she might be telling you that he has a girlfriend, but what way do you have to verify this? Or, he does have a girlfriend, but he's telling her that they're not getting along and he's thinking of breaking up with her. Therefore, she's making sure she's first in line. Hence, more investment in him.



I know it's easy for me to write it, but it's time to move on, dude.

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Break up, but don't be an assh*le about it. It's college and you both should be partying and experiencing new things and having lots of sex with lots of new people. This is the only time you have to be young so don't throw it away.

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College changes people. She wants to experience all there is at her school. You should do the same. It's a rare relationship indeed that survives the transition & yours is not one of those. Sorry.


BTW, since you are in college & therefore committed to higher education, the correct verb is gone not went, as in you have gone to college.

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I'm sorry, OP, but I have to agree with the others. This ship has sailed. End it with her before you are hurt any further. Otherwise, it will hurt that much more when she breaks up with you.

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