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Flirty Conversation

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Hey everyone,


I just had a question regarding dating and progressing things verbally. I am currently approaching my 4th date with this gal who I really like and things have progressed well physically. I've never had any issues physically making a move, teasing her, etc. It has always been very natural.


On the other hand, I am just not very good with flirty conversations during dates and texting in between which is ridiculous. I can definitely make women laugh, but have never had that sexy charm to push the limits verbally and create that sexual chemistry otherwise. I've always been like this with women.


I'll also add that I am very, very social and am typically the guy who seems to be a great, dependable friend by some girls so there may need to be a mindset change about how I see, view, and talk to women generally speaking.


What are some things I can do to improve on that flirty conversation?



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