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The Singles and The Attached

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It interesting on a social level on why some people are attached or single. What traits do you think that you have or your family/friends have that keep you single or attached?


For me. I like things balanced. When I really look at myself. I like living a life that is unique. I don't want to live a life where I am always in a role where I can't do certain things. Like I love my Rock and Roll/Soul/Jazz and going to music venues. Socialiizing with Family/Friends. I also believe in living a life where you get to call the shots to certain extents. I can compromise.


I want the best for myself. I don't like any murkiness or bad things in my life. So that means if a friend is causing me grief. If it can't be resolved. Then they have to go. Or if there is conflict at work. It needs to be resolvable. I like that my life is interesting and I don't want to live the hum drum life of things being so routine that it can't be shaken up. In other words I don't want to be a drone. I want everyday for the most part to move me into different thoughts and give me the edge and push me into a better life.

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I'm a homebody surrounded by people who have a travel fetish.


I enjoy making and fixing things in an era when most other people would rather waste money buying cheap junk.


I'm surrounded by people who think alcohol tastes great.


I get science jokes---most people don't.


I don't see auras others see.


I don't have ESP like most women do.


People read me wrong so often, I'm used to it.

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my mum my sis and me are single.......


my mum is still legally married...she has no desire whatsoever to be with another man.....my younger sister has given up......even though her heart lies in having children and being with a guy who loves her....she cries when kids movies comes on its very sad...i feel for her...i have offered her many times to have my teens.......i am kidding but she is good wih them........my best friend is single and just wants to sleep with men......deep down she wants a partner......i know it for a fact.......



me......i make no secret that i believe in love......i didnt for a while wanted nothing to do with men......i was not well after my break up and needed serious recuperation ...years of it......



but i am ready to find love or for love to find me but not settle..it has to be for love on both sides and not just to date a guy or for a guy to expect sex as ebign the reason to date me........and i think that's healthy ...so why i am single.....is i am refusing dates based on what i have said............deb

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I like being single, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to being in a relationship. Being single gives you a unique perspective on life, and in the years I've been single I've found a rich inner life that I hope to share someday with the right woman. If not, I still have this wealth regardless of outward circumstances.


Man is not what he owns or what he looks like. He is not who he knows, what he does or his thoughts; he is something hidden and pure at the core of his being. Few dare to swim through the endless Abyss that surrounds the soul, but those that do find truth. Free from worldly desires, a man is a universe unto himself: One.

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