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is sarcasm or a sarcastic personality considered attractive?

Eddy Street

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I see a lot of women on match who boast about being "fluent in sarcasm" or that sarcasm is their primary (or second) language. Furthermore, one of their requirements is that the man they date can appreciate sarcasm. I think, okay... you did it. You are better than everyone else.


To be quite honest, sarcastic people give me the creeps. There's nothing less attractive than an individual who isn't sincere, or worse still, an individual who you cannot trust with their sincerity. I like people who are genuine.


What is your opinion on this?

Edited by Eddy Street
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When I was younger I loved it. Now I prefer people who can actually communicate but an occasional sarcastic comment is always welcome.

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When I was younger I loved it. Now I prefer people who can actually communicate but an occasional sarcastic comment is always welcome.


Younger as in what? Teenage?


I agree, occasional humor is okay, I just don't want to be shot down in the middle of a conversation when I'm talking about one of my passions. Seems like that's what these women are implying they'd try to do.

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yep! LDR is very sexy in sarcasm, and i follow along as well. It all depends on the mood, and how peeps take such things. You may see my sarcy comment below, though it is a humorus way of saying uncomfy words are to make you think.

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yep! LDR is very sexy in sarcasm, and i follow along as well. It all depends on the mood, and how peeps take such things. You may see my sarcy comment below, though it is a humorus way of saying uncomfy words are to make you think.


Of course, it would help if the grammar was correct, but I guess the spelling is superfluous, in comparison to the deep meaning within the phrase....


(That was sarcasm.... )


Sometimes, dependent on the situation and occasion, it's warranted and witty.

At other times, it's a mean put-down that belittles and devalues though being patronising and condescending.


Those resorting to sarcasm should guard which moment is which....And the recipient can always tell.


Apologies for using a real-time comment as an illustration of the point.

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yep! LDR is very sexy in sarcasm, and i follow along as well. It all depends on the mood, and how peeps take such things. You may see my sarcy comment below, though it is a humorus way of saying uncomfy words are to make you think.


Sorry, LDR?

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i have a problem with people who direct sarcasm at others.......i dont think its witty or nice or intelligent to put another down sarcastically or otherwise.....


by personal experience sarcasm when it is directed at you ....isn't a nice place to be......




i actually love irony.....because i feel irony can be prophetic......full of twists and possibility..irony has a reason for being....its shows contrasts.........sarcasm honestly is dead wit......theres no life in putting someone down for the sake of others getting a snicker......or for yourself to feel clever.....i remind myself of this if i am tempted to use sarcasm and i am guilty of using sarcasm .....in direct relation to not agreeing with someone else...........sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.....it has no reason for being, no reason to discover or decipher.......... no contrast other than personal opinion ...deb

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I think some people mistake sarcasm for irony, satire or banter. Until I looked up the definition, I did too :p


I'm not a big fan of sarcasm unless I know the person really well.

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Selective well-placed sarcasm is fine, but a steady diet of it is just a negative outlook. A guy I worked with off and on for years never said anything that wasn't sarcastic and he used that it was ironic or sarcasm as his shield to say really nasty things to people. You shouldn't direct sarcasm at your supposed friends or coworkers. Best left for commenting to yourself while watching the evening news.

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