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Random poll: Is W. nuts?


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No, I would say Sadam Hussein is nuts. This bombing has been planned for many months. Clinton did not want to do anything in his last months...left it up to new president, whoever he would be.


The Iraqis have been shooting at our aircraft that patrol the no-fly zone. These patrols were agreed to by Iraq after the Persian Gulf war. What we did today was take out Iraqi radar facilities so they will be unable to spot our patrol aircraft.


However, I think you will see Sadam dealt with far more firmly now. He is developing serious biological and other offensive weapons that are a serious threat not only to those in the region but to other parts of the world. Iraq will soon have delivery systems to get bombs to the other side of the world.


I hate war...and I hope that whoever replaces Sadam is a little more civil and a lot more sane.

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Yes, I think he is nuts. That is one of the reasons I didn't want him in office. I knew he would do something like that. He's going to get us into a war with someone I just know it. Not to mention, the unemployment rate has already risen since he has been in office.

I gotta say this...the guy's in office for less than a MONTH...we're bombing Iraq...premature ejaculation or 'show of force'?
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Yes, I think he is nuts. That is one of the

reasons I didn't want him in office. I knew he would do something like that. He's going to get us into a war with someone I just know it. Not to mention, the unemployment rate has already risen since he has been in office.

...and isn't that the distant sound of the economy tanking? (...glug, glug...) um, Dad...can I rename the country,...um, Silverado...please?

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...and isn't that the distant sound of the economy tanking? (...glug, glug...) um, Dad...can I rename the country,...um, Silverado...please?

Tell me about it. I think we are going to see an increase in the number of homeless people soon. It is unbelieveable that things have changed as fast as they have. I knew all this around election time. I predicted some of this. Ugh!


Why did all those people vote for him? Why? Why? Why?


Did they want to see the country destroyed.

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