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To: Curious in Concert.......question?


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So what ever became of the incident with your g/f on Valentine's Day?


Did she ever give you a reasonable explanation as to why she a) didn't bother to even send you a card....b) didn't bother to return your cell phone messages....c) didn't bother to be the first to thank you for your gifts?



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Curious in Concert

I talked to her about it. I never expected a card, so that wasn't a big deal. She didn't return my cell phone messages because I was in class at the time, and she didn't know if she could call me, since I'd left the messages -right- before I went to class. And she did thank me for my gifts, but her cousin was eavesdropping on the phone conversation, and she tends to gossip(her cousin) so she didn't want to say anything that would spread the gossip around, which I understand. I've since talked to her about it, and she apologized profusely and everything, and she said she's really sorry.

So what ever became of the incident with your g/f on Valentine's Day? Did she ever give you a reasonable explanation as to why she a) didn't bother to even send you a card....b) didn't bother to return your cell phone messages....c) didn't bother to be the first to thank you for your gifts? Laurynn
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