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25y Virgin, What say you?XD

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Question for the ladies. Based on some replies i read in another topic, i guess i'm scruwed xD.


Would you date or not? Or then again what chances do you think i have? ^^

Or just pack my bag and head for the eunuch life.


Oh yes, the details: No experience whatsoever with anything, i couldn't conquer you from a sexual standpoint even if you held a gun to my head, idk how to kiss even.

Why? I'm not some weirdo i think, i just never tried to get a gf up until now, and now i think it's to late. Hormones hit me late.

Edited by Xiang
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Yeah women are shallow. They say they don't want to be used for sex, yet may dismiss a man for sexual inexperience.


Love does not exist. Not a virgin, but right there with you.

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Yeah women are shallow. They say they don't want to be used for sex, yet may dismiss a man for sexual inexperience.


Love does not exist. Not a virgin, but right there with you.


There is some truth to this.

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LOL, another "I'm a mid 20's guy and a virgin" thread.




From a guy who has 'never tried to get a girlfriend', but has multiple other threads here about his girlfriends.




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From a guy who has 'never tried to get a girlfriend', but has multiple other threads here about his girlfriends.





I'm not following the OP's posting history.


I just thought it was hilarious that it was yet another virgin thread.


There are currently threads asking if a guy should hide that he is a virgin, and another asking if a woman would date a man that is a virgin. What else needs to be asked?

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What about the girl you dated for half a year? I'm confused.

She was a virgin also, very rare xD, then again it was me that was slow but she also.

We didn't meet very often in 6 month's because of some distance that didn't allow me to date very regularly. It was a LDR mostly.

I only kissed her once, and it was quick, so quick i wouldn't classify it.(lips wise). Kissing her cheek/forehead i did more of that >_>.


So that's all i got in half a year :). LDR's are weird, u talk so much on skype or whatnot/phone. But when u get to meet them u can't really "transfer" all that talk to the real thing !


It's like starting from zero, when i first met her after 2 month's of talking, it's like we had just met. Screw all the dirty talking we had over the internet or whatnot.


Did i mention i was a rebound? i didn't exactly "conquer" her, it was a me being there at a bad time in her life, why she even gave me a shot.


Now back to the main topic xD What say you?


Somedude81 we all ask according to our own circumstances, i don't necesarally find myself in the same pit with the other guys that have similar topics. :\

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Somedude81 we all ask according to our own circumstances, i don't necesarally find myself in the same pit with the other guys that have similar topics. :\


Would you date or not?


How is that at all different from R3D2's thread?

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I am willing to sex you in day 1, he wants to wait till marriage? xD idk. The little details make the difference.

He is young people give him a chance, i'm old, at this age it's considered that i rather give up? By most.

Stuff like that.

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I am willing to sex you in day 1, he wants to wait till marriage? xD idk. The little details make the difference.

He is young people give him a chance, i'm old, at this age it's considered that i rather give up? By most.

Stuff like that.


Ah OK. Got it.


His thread is, "Will you date a virgin who wants to wait?" Your thread is "Will you date a virgin who doesn't want to wait?"




BTW, if you did a search about virgins, you'll find a ton of threads.

LoveShack.org Community Forums - Search Results

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Oh i can wait, i waited with the other. I'm just ready for it at anytime, won't push xD.

Awww shucks, excuse me for making my own topic :p.


Why don't we all search old threads, there's bound to be one similar to all our problems and there is no need to ever make new ones, right?

Has a big archive anyway.


Maybe i post because dr.love will happen to come by my thread and give me the best advice ever that wasn't in any other thread ._.

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What would it take for you to gain the confidence to try?


A unanimous "Yes" from every woman on this forum? A fly-by banner circling the skies around your home with "YES I WILL DATE YOU XIANG!"? Presidential decree? Divine intervention?


You seem like yet another poster who's terrified of intimacy and/or rejection who is looking for reasons to validate his irrational fears. Some will turn their angst inward and scramble to find flaws that make them "undatable" while others will project their terror outward by vilifying that which they desire and those who "attain" it.


Break free from your fears. Face them. Talk about them. Conquer them. Just stop skirting around them in a futile attempt to circumvent them. There's no way around fear. You have to go through it.

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What would it take for you to gain the confidence to try?


A unanimous "Yes" from every woman on this forum? A fly-by banner circling the skies around your home with "YES I WILL DATE YOU XIANG!"? Presidential decree? Divine intervention?


You seem like yet another poster who's terrified of intimacy and/or rejection who is looking for reasons to validate his irrational fears. Some will turn their angst inward and scramble to find flaws that make them "undatable" while others will project their terror outward by vilifying that which they desire and those who "attain" it.


Break free from your fears. Face them. Talk about them. Conquer them. Just stop skirting around them in a futile attempt to circumvent them. There's no way around fear. You have to go through it.

ACtually a post like yours is what i like to recieve.

And stories if people went through something similar, and dated guys like that, to get my hopes up.


I don't want anyone to go "yes Xiang i will date ya" that's just silly, they don't even know me. The question itself with "25y old virgin would date?" is not about me per-say, it's about guys in the same position as my story, if any that girls here might of met.

What i want is feedback, not acceptance and people telling me they want me.


To many virgin tales as of late and you are all picking on my thread?XD cool.

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Cole's notes


No sexual experience, including even kissing, until 28. "Lost" it to an escort. Very anti-climatic, unfulfilling experience


First sexual experience with partner a year later. Alcohol fueled hook up. Led to regular sex and hanging out - a short lived summer romance since she had to return to school. Met again several times over the next few years with some sex, some conversation and some awkwardness. Neither of us was experienced.


No other dating experience until 32. First several dates through OLD. Met for coffee, went for a walk. Pleasant experience, but no connection. Felt mutual.


Second date also through OLD. First one for coffee, second over lunch. Also very pleasant, but I felt no attraction and decided to end it.


Third date after some bantering over text, then phone, then Skype. Met for lunch. Fun time, but didn't feel any spark. No attraction. Wanted to see where it would go since I did like her personally. Ended after a very snappy set of texts from her being angry at me for not having responded in a timely enough manner to previous texts ... I work full-time


Fourth one I dated over course of 6 weeks in open relationship. Lots of sex. Some hook ups at weddings and other parties with other women. She ended it after she realized she wanted it to be serious, I didn't. I was always clear about my intentions while she was a bit confused by at first. I respected her decision, and her.


During this 2 month stretch I was also very much active on two OLD sites. Lots of chatting, bantering and so forth.


First serious relationship started a few days after ending things with latest date. We met at a party, I asked her out. First date started at noon and ended at noon the following day. Fell for each other fast. Took down all OLD profiles and focused entirely on her. Became exclusive quickly. We had been introduced by mutual friends and had good "references" so it didn't feel like we were strangers.


Lasted 8 months. She broke things off. I don't even know exactly why since I was in the middle of a mild depressive episode (which on its own was very likely a major contributing factor) and just accepted her decision as what would be best for her.


Haven't dated since while I work on myself and figure things out.




I don't wish I had lost my virginity sooner. I wish I had just not given a flying **** about such a triviality and instead shifted my focus on building myself and creating something in this world.

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