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How can I get my husband back from the other woman

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ER -


so, so happy for you that you've found the strength within yourself!!!! it's a wonderful feeling when it happens, and will no doubt make you incredibly attractive to some deserving SG!!!! (when you're ready :o )


sometimes we have to dig deep to find the strength to move on but when we do .... sometimes there's no turning back.


good luck to you and enjoy your new life!


izzy :love:

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Hi everyone


I hope you all remember me.


Well things are finally drawing to a close and I thought I would let you know how things turned out in the end.

Yes he still with the other woman , spending all his money doing up her house and enjoying himself.


I have battled long and hard and on friday of this week the house will be legally mine. I have bought him out and he will have a lovely cash sum to spend on her. I cant help being slightly bitter about it but I wish them all the luck in the world. He comes to visit me regularly and stays quite some time. He doesnt know what he wants and doesnt know why he is with her.

He admits he misses the good things with me and is struggling financially and emotionally..

Do you know what .....I dont give a toss !!!!!!!!!!! He's made his bed now let him lie on it. I am getting on with my life with sam the dog, and I am not interested in meeting anyone new. I have booked a holiday abroad with a girlfriend and I am going to do exactly what I want to do.


I told him last week that all I want from him is at some time in the future for him to admit he has made a terrible mistake and wants to come back .....I then told him I would take great pleasure in telling him where to go.


Every time I feel sad and depressed I look back at this thread and I know that he would have sold my home from underneath me and would have seen me out on the streets. All the lies he told me and he is still lying to me and lying to her.


I want to thank all of you out there from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have given me this last 6months. Without your advice and help Idont think I would have got through this in one piece.


Who would have thought that I would have found my inner strength to see this through and get what I wanted out of this mess and come out smelling of roses.


The next thing that I will have to tackle is the divorce so wish me luck


Thank you


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Englishrose, I'm glad to hear how STRONG you've become! You did this and I'm proud of you.


He's a real s*** and always know it's HIS loss, not yours. Maybe someday he'll realize wtf he did and who he gave up. That satisifaction will be sweet one day, so cheers. I hope by then you will have met some wonderful man who will treat you and love you the way you deserve!!


All the best and keep intouch! :)

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