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BF makes fun of me.

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I am so pissed off right now. It is saturday, 02:48 AM here in finland. My boufriend invited me to stay his place for this weekend. We are in a long distance relationship. Ok. 11 PM , four hours ago his friend came. Since then, my BF has been totally ignoring me. I would like to go to sleep, but i cant until the friend leaves. BF lives in a one room apartment,thats why. My BF has been mockering me all the time with his friend, like i was somekind of public target, if you know what i mean. they just make fun of me, everything i do is wrong. The websites i'm in, the things i like... like i'm not his friend at all. And the friend here is totally rude, though i tried to be polite. what so ever, my weekend here is over. i will go home first thing in the morning, if i ever get to sleep. just please give me your opinion, am i over reacting?

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Mustique if he cannot give you the respect you deserve, you don't want to have him around. No you are not over-reacting. He is acting as if you are worth nothing.


I know you are worth much more, much more than your bf is giving. So leave as soon as possible, and please if you don't want to sleep with him (have sex with him) don't do that.

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You're not over reacting. You deserve better--anyone deserves better! No one should have to put up with put downs from their boyfriend/girlfriend.

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Mustique, let me remind you again, you deserve so much better. You are in a long distance relationship (LDR), so you cannot spend too much time together. That is awful in itself, but if the both of you were willing to work at the relationship, you could manage that.


His friend comes, but instead of keeping it short, and give the two of you all the time you could grab, his friend stays there to at least 03:00 AM. He starts to put you down, big time. Everything you do is wrong in his eyes. He tells you that. The websites, the things you like, the only thing you like that he has not put down is himself. He even makes it impossible for you to sleep :( .


Your boyfriend should love you, should cherish you, and time you spend together. You made all the effort to travel to his place, the only thing he did, was to offer you a place to stay. He should make you feel great, and not as awful as you feel now.


Added:If he has cheated on you, he totally has no excuse to behave in such an apalling way to you.End of addition

And don't make any excuses for him. If your boyfriend does not stand up for you, that is bad, but if he even insults you, that is outrageous. It's degrading, and you should not put up with that.


So, spend the night there, because you have to, and leave in the morning. Leave a note, if he is not awake, but don't wake him. And seriously consider breaking up with him, as you deserve so much better.


I wish you the best of luck.

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wow, what great advice. don't sleep with him. leave ASAP. you deserve better.


he is showing you who he is. don't wait around to have him confirm it over and over again. you know in your heart, even as it is breaking, that this is who he is: a big loser.


hug to you :love:

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