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Where the hell is everybody??!!

talking to a wall on this forum

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talking to a wall on this forum

Hello? Is anybody there? Cukoo?


THis is not very amusing writing posts that are unanswered.


Where is everybody? Can someone suggest another forum similar to this I can go to?


Doesn't anybody visit this forum????

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Hello? Is anybody there? Cukoo? THis is not very amusing writing posts that are unanswered. Where is everybody? Can someone suggest another forum similar to this I can go to? Doesn't anybody visit this forum????

You'll find that on here as in life, the louder you scream, the less likely anyone is going to take the time to listen. Perhaps you could begin by telling us which message you posted. If you're going to continue to behave so rudely here, I'm going to have to ask you to go somewhere else where they tolerate this kind of abuse. Each and every person that posts a response here is a volunteer that does so out of the kindness of their heart; not to be treated in this manner. I deleted your message yesterday, but apparently you didn't get the point.



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talking to a wall on this forum

Well the fact of the matter is that this forum hasn't got nearly as many participants as other formums (not love related)I just don't understand why about only one question every three days gets posted. It's sad.

You'll find that on here as in life, the louder you scream, the less likely anyone is going to take the time to listen. Perhaps you could begin by telling us which message you posted. If you're going to continue to behave so rudely here, I'm going to have to ask you to go somewhere else where they tolerate this kind of abuse. Each and every person that posts a response here is a volunteer that does so out of the kindness of their heart; not to be treated in this manner. I deleted your message yesterday, but apparently you didn't get the point. LoveAngel
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Well the fact of the matter is that this forum hasn't got nearly as many participants as other formums (not love related)I just don't understand why about only one question every three days gets posted. It's sad.

Dear Talking to a Wall,


The fact of the matter is that this forum is completely guest driven. People post messages here out of their own free will and want. We do not reemburse anyone for posting here nor offering their advice. Everyone that uses this site and that responds to messages is a person. Just like you. And like you, I'm sure they do not appreciate others demanding things of them. If you're looking for a faster service, I'm sure there are numerous professional resources that you could employ to assist you in your area. Each person that posts here sets aside that much personal time to help a stranger, and frankly, you could at least return the favor with respect.


If you're unsatisfied with the level of participation here, we welcome you to encourage more guests to visit and make use of the site. We generate zero profit on this web site and it's services. In fact, we've yet to break even despite our recent introduction of advertising. This is a non-profit organization designed to provide a means of communication for its users. We are completely funded by private contributions at the moment by myself and others. The essence of the Internet is the ability to freely distribute ideas and communication. We do not at this time, nor will we ever, feel that payment should be made for the services we offer here. That is the .org in LoveShack.org.


What's sad is the underappreciation you have demonstrated in your postings, still not telling us which message is yours. While at the moment our average number of guests has decreased to approximately 350 per 24 hour period, the only way more people are going to visit our site is through the support, links, and word-of-mouth references to our site other satisfied guests make. We do not have the resources to advertise, nor do we wish to. If you'd like additional information on the topic, please visit the link below.


My recommendation to you is that you examine your interpersonal skills: your treatment of others and your interaction with them. Behind each posting on this board there is a human face and name with experiences and feelings, and your postings should reflect and understanding and appreciation of that. Whatever problem you may be having right now, whether it be romantic or otherwise, is essentially a communication problem. If you can't effectively communicate with those around you, how can you ever expect to do so with someone who you've developed an intimate relationship with?



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Shira Slepak

I really didn't mean to insult anybody on this forum. I was just frustrated (and lonely) because of the inferior number of postings.


I only answered a few posts as Shira and didn't actually post a problem because (being new to this forum) I wanted to see if more people would add postings over the week-end before I launched into my "story". After observing that no one was dialoguing I decided not to post my own "problem".


I was regularly use a forum called "Classical Singer Community" which deals mostly with vocal and opera "babble".


Someone on that forum had posted a topic dealing with a personal relationship which wasn't quite "appropriate" for that particular forum (I didn't mind, but other regular users of that forum expressed that they didn't think it was suitable to discuss topics that didn't deal with singing). One of the "forumites" later suggested that this person consult your forum. Out of curiosity (and because I thought


I might write about my own dilema) I visited this forum.


I wish I could encourage others to use this forum, but I am in a foreign country right now where the internet is not used as frequently as it is in North America.


Good luck. I'll be back soon.




Dear Talking to a Wall, The fact of the matter is that this forum is completely guest driven. People post messages here out of their own free will and want. We do not reemburse anyone for posting here nor offering their advice. Everyone that uses this site and that responds to messages is a person. Just like you. And like you, I'm sure they do not appreciate others demanding things of them. If you're looking for a faster service, I'm sure there are numerous professional resources that you could employ to assist you in your area. Each person that posts here sets aside that much personal time to help a stranger, and frankly, you could at least return the favor with respect. If you're unsatisfied with the level of participation here, we welcome you to encourage more guests to visit and make use of the site. We generate zero profit on this web site and it's services. In fact, we've yet to break even despite our recent introduction of advertising. This is a non-profit organization designed to provide a means of communication for its users. We are completely funded by private contributions at the moment by myself and others. The essence of the Internet is the ability to freely distribute ideas and communication. We do not at this time, nor will we ever, feel that payment should be made for the services we offer here. That is the .org in LoveShack.org. What's sad is the underappreciation you have demonstrated in your postings, still not telling us which message is yours. While at the moment our average number of guests has decreased to approximately 350 per 24 hour period, the only way more people are going to visit our site is through the support, links, and word-of-mouth references to our site other satisfied guests make. We do not have the resources to advertise, nor do we wish to. If you'd like additional information on the topic, please visit the link below. My recommendation to you is that you examine your interpersonal skills: your treatment of others and your interaction with them. Behind each posting on this board there is a human face and name with experiences and feelings, and your postings should reflect and understanding and appreciation of that. Whatever problem you may be having right now, whether it be romantic or otherwise, is essentially a communication problem. If you can't effectively communicate with those around you, how can you ever expect to do so with someone who you've developed an intimate relationship with? LoveAngel
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