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does he or doesnt he

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i have known this guy for 2 yrs now and i still cant tell if he likes me or not please let me know what u think heres some of the things that makes me think he does.


1. on my birthday he asked me out but he didnt actually ask me he said that if he beat me in the last three games of bowling that i have to go out with him on fri so he beat me and we went out with his two friends that i know.


2. he always adds himself to my lane, like for example 2 weeks ago we were at bowling and he was on a lane with his friends totally fine then he came over and asked me if i could add him on after i was done with my game


3. one these guys that i know added himself on to the lane that me and the other guy was on well the guy that i like phil went over and erasec the other guy off of the lane


4. he asked me on monday if i was going to be there at bowling on thursday but he didnt even ask anyone else


5. when we talk he always look at my eyes


so i need to know

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Maybe he just likes to bowl with you?




Seriously.. you've known him for 2 years right? So.. could be that he's just discovered he has a romantic interest in you as more than friends.. or uh.. yeah he really and I mean really likes to bowl with you? :confused::laugh:

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As Marin said maybe he just enjoys bowling with you.


You havent provided enough info for us to reciprocate solid feedback.


But you said when the both of you talk, you guys have good eye contact. When he looks into your eyes, do you feel a strong connection of more than friends? is it just a quick glance, or deep eye contact lasting a few seconds?


They say eyes are the windows to the soul.

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