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FOR GUYS, do fit guys only like fit girls??


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I'd asked this question before but now I wanna know personally if you were somewhat of a gym rat or even just someone who was fit and toned, not a gym rat but clearly works out, would you ONLY be interested in fit girls?? Or would you pursue a non fit girl or even allow a non fit girl to pursue you?

I'm interested in a guy who's not a muscle god like Shaun T but he's toned, he's also small so he probably has a fast metabolism but anyways, I'm not fit in my opinion, I have chub on my stomach, I'm 5'1 and like 115-120, not fat but just some chub in areas. That being said I do occasionally workout, I have Insanity and I enjoy running and eating healthy, so I'm not a couch potato but I don't look like Ashy Bines, Michelle Lewin, Jillian Michaels etc. Would a fit guy or the guy I like go for me ya think? Or do fit guys only prefer girls as fit as them?

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Virtually every girl I've dated has been significantly less toned and fitness oriented than myself. Although some have got more into it after spending more time with me.


The main requirement for most guys who are into fitness isn't that you're perfectly toned, but that you take care of yourself and do SOME exercise at least.

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My cousin and I never looked for anyone more fit than average.


Though he was at one time into body building. Protein shakes and shots. Ultra mode so to speak.


I just kept my body tone well and did not each junk food.


So, fit has nothing to do with what a man expects of a woman's body.

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There's a big difference between gym-rat and someone with a good metabolism and diet that makes them fit. Gym-rats -- or those who work out regularly and have that as important -- are more picky on body, YES.


Now, if he's just naturally fit & is a smaller guy in height -- given your dimensions, you very well may still be in luck.


Face is always #1 with over 99% of people. A guy shorter in height is going to give more leeway to a gal's body -- but if he's fit -- YES, she needs to at least be average in his demographic of girls. He'd take a girl with a Pretty Face who's average build who is no couch potato, than a girl with a "ehhh, not so great" face who is more toned but doesn't have a super-model body or anything.


Also, chest-size matters too. :)


But in the end, don't rule yourself out, especially if he's shorter (as are you) -- if you're not in great shape but average overall that would blend in a crowd. If he's fit, but you have a pretty face and/or larger-than-average-boobs, you're in.


If he was a big-time gym guy, then he'll be more picky on the body's lack of noticeable chub when the clothes come off, even if her face & boobs counteract it just fine for almost all other guys.


It'd be better to see a PIC of you as a whole to tell, to make a good assumption as to how such a guy would likely be/react.

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Speaking for myself,no. I work out every day, but how a woman is on the inside matters more to me. I stay fit for myself. It makes me feel better.

I've met very fit women who I wouldn't think of dating,because of their personality, addictions,etc.,, and I've met some I would and have dated.

Looks come and go, but your character and who you are as a person generally doesn't change.

My gf isn't "fit", but she's still sexy to me and I trust her completely. She has great character and a nice personality that everyone loves.

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I workout daily including lift weights to stay tone. I'm the type to work on every muscle of the body so I don't neglect leg or butt day. Most of the women I date are not into working out or if they are, it is inconsistent or light workouts. Some chubbiness does not turn me off to an otherwise cool woman.

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I am not a gym goer, I got a little padding here and there on my body and I have dated my share of body builders. I briefly dated our national body building champion and his type of women were like me, with a little meat on the bone.


My friend is like you. She thinks if a man is super fit he will only date super fit women. That is a common mistake women do, as if a tall men would only want a tall woman, or a blond man would only date a blond woman.

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No that's utter nonsense


I am a much bigger gal then you and my boyfriends have been fit, and the relationships lasted a really long time.


I always hated looking at myself in the mirror next to them but I sure as hell didnt mind being with them lol

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There are not a lot of fit women out there to go around, especially the type of women you linked...those women are an exception and I can assure you they do not have a shortage of male attention already, so what makes you think these fit guys even have the option to date someone like that the majority of the time?


This is just like your leagues question....get it through your head men don't have the options to be as picky as you think they do. They can go to the gym, to try and get a nice body and slightly increase their chances but not even all women are attracted to muscle and fitness beyond a certain point, furthermore you can't work on your confidence or charm, you can't pump up your sense of humor, knowledge of women or charisma and social/conversational skills, so it's only going to get them so far...because if they really had those options, don't you think they'd already be with that kind of girl? which, how many women do you see around the town, when at the gym it's filled with 80 to 90 percent men.


Women usually just go to classes to burn fat and stay toned a little bit to get rid of the chocolate or bad food they ate that week just to like maintain that ever delicate balance and never-ending battle with weight, not muscle or being toned and that's pretty much most guys can ever realistically expect...but as a guy, it's a much more challenging job to attract women, that's why there's a lot more guys in the gym than women...and as you get older as a man, it takes progressively more skill and "assets" to attract women, or to hold the attention of those type of women that do have options with other men, which is what attractive young women nearly always have, whether fit or not.


That leaves a lot of girls that are average, even overweight, able to realistically date better looking and in-shape men...and then they get to feel better about themselves for getting a "hot guy". But it doesn't work the other way around, men need to raise the bar because things are not "equal", they have to do more overall to attract women. So really, them being fit and good-looking...in the dating world doesn't even translate to what an average overweight woman could get in attention in OLD for example.


Now if the guy is very good looking, very fit, and has that laundry list of criteria that other women desire too...well then that's a different story, because he has options. At that point your main competition is other women, and THEN that's when you might need to be fit or toned, or basically not average or overweight.

Edited by Ninjainpajamas
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No, it's never really crossed my radar. Unhealthy is unattractive. A few pounds here or there isn't unhealthy.


At first glance I find a highly toned, strong muscle definition body to be unattractive on a woman. While a sign of health, it's very masculine.


To each their own.

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I like thick curvy girls way more than skinny or toned ones. They just appear more feminine to me. Not to mention hugging them being all squishy is awesome.

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My last boyfriend was hot and pretty fit, and said he preferred a woman with some fat on her, as "women should be soft". He was very turned off by the gym rat look in women, thought it made them look masculine. I'm pretty fit myself - more fit than he is, but I have plenty of curves - and he was always trying to fatten me up a little. I didn't give in to that, but it was a nice change from your typical guy. So yes, there are hot, fit men who aren't looking for the gym rat type.

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The main requirement for most guys who are into fitness isn't that you're perfectly toned, but that you take care of yourself and do SOME exercise at least.


More often than not, I think this is the case.

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I find that it depends on what your goal are working out. Not the one you tell your friends and family about. (not you OP or anyone in this thread...)


So those who, deep down, are working out to attain a certain body image are the ones who put importance on the way their partner's bodies look.


Then you have people who play a sport, and work out to be in better shape for their sport, or just work out to be in good health or to attain a certain level of athleticism or reach goals (Also known as PRs - for personal record) - and I think those are the ones who don't care about the way their partner's body looks but would rather find a partner with similar fitness interests and goals.

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I'm not a guy, but I do know that there is no possible way ALL fit men ONLY like fit women.


In fact the whole idea of people only liking people physically similar to them is absurd.


It depends on the guy. Maybe a guy who is a gym rat who works out as some major focus of his life may prefer a woman who shares this outlook but for some guys who work out but it is not their life, they may not care if the woman is a gym rat too. Although I'm curious about why you'd want to date a "gym rat" which to me implies someone who is overly concerned about working out, if you aren't one? Why date someone with whom you already have to feel insecure or feel like you have to now pretend to be a workout-aholic to be with?


I have given the example on LS before of my guy friend who is a personal trainer, who also does physical therapy and used to play professional football, who DOES NOT like "fit women." He doesn't like women who look muscular, doesn't seem to care about being super toned, or who are gym rats, his preference is for the opposite actually, plus sized women....and he has ALWAYS been this way. I've known him since I was 16 and from I've known him he's always been a pretty buff guy who only liked thicker, curvier women. He doesn't mind a woman who works out so long as she is curvy and soft he always says. He's not the only one. Depends on the dude.

Edited by MissBee
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no? , as long as she is hot in bed ,being a bit chubby nor skinny wouldnt really matter to me :)

Edited by bastus
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My last boyfriend was hot and pretty fit, and said he preferred a woman with some fat on her, as "women should be soft". He was very turned off by the gym rat look in women, thought it made them look masculine. I'm pretty fit myself - more fit than he is, but I have plenty of curves - and he was always trying to fatten me up a little. I didn't give in to that, but it was a nice change from your typical guy. So yes, there are hot, fit men who aren't looking for the gym rat type.


Yes, but ask yourself 3 questions before assuming that's ALL there is to it, because I've never seen a guy turn down a girl for being too fit in real life...only flipping through magazines and/or commenting about random women...girlfriend talk doesn't necessarily constitute as truth for men either.


1) Was he insecure?


2) Did he treat you like you weren't good enough sometimes or felt that way, something in yourself told you that he wasn't being completely honest?


3) How many really fit women does this guy even have experience with? has he even had sex with one before? What do his ex's look like?


Look ladies, it takes a lot of balls for a guy to date a fit girl, more than looks and a fit body...just like you as a woman might look at your body and debate whether that's good enough for this or that guy, men also size themselves up.


Also with more attractive and fit women, there's also more competition, and attention and a whole list of other things that make a lot of guys feel jealous, insecure and uneasy...even guys that act like they're totally confident and comfortable within themselves...I've been friends and around a lot of these guys, I know deep within themselves the confidence is almost never as high as the facade or what you attribute to them just because of your outside perception of them.


Does this mean that a guy cannot like, or dislikes women with a little fudge on the hips?


Of course not.


Does this mean guys love muscular women who look almost like men with veins and muscles popping out everywhere?


Most don't.


I could go deep into the psychology of this, I know guys better than they know themselves at times...I "correct" a lot of men when they say something and then I say "No, that's not the real reason...the real reason you feel this way is because of this"...and of course like on LS they deny it, but it hits home, it registers, I can see the wheels spinning...because like I said, a lot of these guys are representing themselves in a way that the do not entirely actually feel...you hear them talk poorly about women, they run their mouths and criticize and say this and that...they might even be arrogant and have women and options.


But look at the type of women they date at the end of the day, see how much the macho talk actually lines up with reality....women need to stop listening to that, it's not the transparent truth.


Even as women, you know that one friend or whomever that's attractive, desirable and has options with men...and yet she always picks the worst ones, men "below her league"...now why would someone do that? why would someone pick and even downplay or negate the obvious attractiveness of a woman who is fit and good looking? do these men you know spank the monkey to overweight and average women? do they in any other way represent this preference?


I'm not even going to get started, I said my piece...just think about it for a second, stop assuming you already know the answer and the real reason, maybe you'll realize that's it's not about what you think it's about...all this talk about preferences and attractiveness.


Come on now ladies...we're talking about men here, men...think about that real hard for a second, what do you think that they REALLY require from women?

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Fitness is mainly a male thing. Self improvement and all that is required to improve chances at getting laid.


Women don't need to do any of that since she's basically going to have options as long as she's not disgustingly fat and ugly.

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My last boyfriend was hot and pretty fit, and said he preferred a woman with some fat on her, as "women should be soft". He was very turned off by the gym rat look in women, thought it made them look masculine. I'm pretty fit myself - more fit than he is, but I have plenty of curves - and he was always trying to fatten me up a little. I didn't give in to that, but it was a nice change from your typical guy. So yes, there are hot, fit men who aren't looking for the gym rat type.


The girl I hang out with is really fit (hardcore runner/tri/etc). I think her body is incredible, but she doesn't like how soft she is in some areas. She, for whatever reason, just wants to be shredded. That doesn't appeal to me, though.


Her belly is by no means soft or doughy, but she doesn't have ripped and either. I feel like I wouldn't like her with ripped abs. There's a softness that women seem to have without being fat that I really love. When an attractive fit woman takes that next step into jacked and ripped, I lose interest. I like some muscle with a bit of soft smoothness over it.


And I even like curvy girls if they're proportional and not sloppy about it. And I like willowy girls if they're not totally lacking muscle tone.


I guess my personal rules are: no sloppy fat, no totally ripped, no cankles, no weird/flat/disproportionate butt. Everything else is game.

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The way I read it the guy is not even really into sports but just skinny. Anyway...



I say just go for it. What men prefer and what they look like are 2 different things. I am not big on this whole league thing anyway. Besides that, the vast majority of women are not fit, so if you think you are competing with fit women you are mistaken.



There is a question of lifestyle though. If he is very active by chance, and you are sedentary it might be a mismatch.

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My first girlfriend was not into fitness. And it bothered me that she would go long hours without eating, getting little sleep and not measuring up to me. I don't want to be the one who gets all the looks everywhere we go. I am a guy, after all. It bothered her too, so the relationship didn't last long.

Most couples, whether they are into fitness or not, are quite similar to each other. That's what I look for in a relationship partner.

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I would NOT date someone who was out of the "weight parameters" for me.


I go to the gym 4-6 times a week, but I'm not bulked up nor a muscle head. I go for fitness and because I lost a lot of weight in the past. Simply, I want someone with a healthy lifestyle.


I can tell you right now, I cannot be with a woman who is 35 pounds overweight and is eating chilli cheese fries on the regular because it is detrimental to myself in the long-term as well. Diabetes and heart conditions run in my family as well. I need someone who can support me, not someone who will try to lead me astray from my current lifestyle (and it has been attempted).


I don't need a woman who works out 7 times a week and has better abs than mine, but a lifestyle and an understanding of what it takes to be healthy.

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I'm fit. I train 5xweek. I like guys who work out.


If the guys dont exercise at all or dont have a fit body (toned muscles), i'm just not physically interested in.


But this is just my personal preference thought ;-)

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