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Turning my life from negative to positive

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Hi there, this is my first post here so i would like to share a little bit of personal life experience with you and why not, getting to know one another. I am almost 24 years old and that is about everything i tell you right now about me ( i live somewhere in Europe).


Now let's cut to the chase. When i was little, i had a lot of troubles coming in my life without having even the time to live my childhood. My dad was dead before i even met him, my mother always working and far away, financial troubles and many other things i don't want to focus because i want to focus on the positive. Bottom line, i grew up as a very negative kid and locked down inside myself. Not talking about my feelings and things like this.


Than i had my first big crush at 17 yrs old. Was huge, but not the other way around. She cared enough about me to tell me " look at the movie Secret, it will change your life". First i was like i don't care, but i watched it. And it really did. That moment i realized how what i think attracts the things in my life in influence me in the worst way possible.


I had to set my mind right so it will be aligned with my heart, in the way that my thoughts will become a ladder to everything i want to do and have in life. Now i will tell you how i did it, in steps:


1. First of all losing weight. By the age of 17 i was already fat and felt really insecure about the way i look. As i found out later, the way you look is influenced by the way you feel. If you feel sad, nervous and other bad things your body will produce fat from liver. I don't know how that works exactly because i am not a doctor, but it's true. And starvation also force body to produce fat because it think you don't have nothing to eat and enters in "save everything you can" mode.


But leaving all the mindset alone, first step of losing weight was removing all the bad foods and it was hard. But right now i can proudly say i don't eat fast food, sugar, white flour products, don't drink sodas and any other things that are bad for the body. I also started to workout at the gym at the same time, so nutrition was something i had to learn. I cook healthy meals and even if i am not going right now to the gym because i work very hard on my website i am still maintaining by doing exercises at home. It's not that hard once you enter in the motion. It became my lifestyle. I replaced those huge amounts of coffee with green tea, cakes with fruits, eat regularly and everything just fall in line, muscle by muscle.

So this is the first step, setting your BODY right.


2. Think positive. This should be first step but it doesn't matter. It's very important the thoughts that you want to invade your head. Let's make things clear, doesn't matter what everyone things about you! You are perfectly build to be the way you want to be and get everything you want to have. Just set your mind right.


Because mind is like a map in life , it guides you. Without you even knowing it. It subconscious. The principle is this: what you keep long time in your head, your brain interprets as a wish, and instinctively guide you to your own thought. Never had this kind of wish or even dark thought that happens and than you just like " damn, like i had vision of this". It's not vision, not intuition. It's plain and simple brain magic.


The brain shapes everything in your life: your actions, your gestures, the way you talk, the way you behave around people, what kind of people attracts you and even the way you look! Yeah, you read right. The way you look is also shaped by the mind, because the mind control the body.


Another aspect is that if you are always happy, positive and feel good about yourself, your brain is not stressed out. It works at full capacity, for your body, for your choices, for ideas for everything. Just let it relax and don't stuff it with unnecessary and negative thoughts and let it do its magic for you ( i say magic but it's actually science proved).

So second step is set your MIND right.


3. Third step is obviously the soul. Aw, the soul... this huge source of sacred energy that it's like a nuclear power plant with the exception that leaves only good around us. Feel it, let it guide you also in life, understand it and do what you feel. Love your life, love yourself and everything else will just come by itself. Love those around you as much as you want to be loved back. Don't be afraid of pain, pain is just like the ashes from which a new Phoenix inner-self will be born. A better you, a wiser you, a stronger you. Don't run away from what you feel because you can't, it's inside you.


Also don't let nobody step on your feelings. you don't have to feel guilty from removing toxic people from your life. It's a difference if they see their mistakes and try to make it better, but if somebody is constantly neglecting your feelings, what you think and what you like, they need to go ! Respect yourself as much as you respect others.


Third step is setting your HEART right


4. Work HARD! For everything you want in life. Even a relationship must be build upon time with trust and patience. Nothing comes without work. Nothing comes without sweat. No pain, no gain. No lazy person will ever be happy. You will give up sleep to make your dreams come alive. Don't be afraid to sacrifice what you are for what you want to become.

Ooh and did i mentioned work hard?! It's important sorry.


Now repeat the steps all over again, until you learn to align perfectly the body, the mind and the heart and achieve that inner champion that lives in you. It just takes practices, because it's achievable for every person. Believe in yourself !


I went from being a sad fat guy who wasted time in vicious circle with drugs, gambling and other bad things to a person who is always positive, self confident, fit, healthy and capable to achieve anything he want in life. That you can be too ! Trust me, is in yourself.


Oh and i am also working now on a love quotes website right now that i am very proud off ( it's in my signature if you want to see it ).


Hope this little piece of text inspire somebody to change his/her life around the way i did it. If you like it, i will post more soon.

Best regards, Manu :)


Ps: It's 4 am at me now so maybe i didn't explained it that well, but i tried the best to make it clear to understand .

Edited by King Manu
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I am glad that your life has become better despite everything you went through when you were a kid. And it does inspire me that you have managed to make things better. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. They definitely helped me feel better and want to change things for the better. :)

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Glad to hear you liked that. Don't forget, it's in our powers to change what is around us starting with us ! It kinda sound like a fairy story but it's not.

People that already are successful do these things instinctively , if you were born in negative environment (and as a child grew up into that) you have to shape yourself until it becomes instinct.

Best of luck !


Ooh and a quick little tip i forgot to mention, if you like music like i do its a great start to build more confidence. Whenever i was down and felt bad i used to listen to motivational music ( usually hiphop, but anything positive works ) and even motivational speeches. you know that kind of music bodybuilders listen.. it helps a lot !

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