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Woman with breast enhancement attract men for said reasons

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Smiley1 wants to run comfortably without breast discomfort, as do I. Others here have expressed wanting to live without back pain, or without leering or mockery. Some just want to be able to buy clothing that fits and flatters.


You post a link if a woman who wants to make a buck with her boobs. Do you really beleive that is the common attitude of women? It certainly is not hard to find examples, since the internet is a venue to make a buck that way, but the vast majority of women do NOT want that sort of attention.


Thank you! It is apparently so hard to believe that women would change their own body for their own benefit, despite actual women claiming to have done this. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I didn't look at the GoPro link, but it's just another case of the OP believing that breasts are for men's enjoyment and whatever we decide to do with them is for the sake of attracting men, that is the only way he can see it. I feel like certain people are just trying to wind us up, which is great use of their time.

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Well, bra sizes are not black and white. Breasts are not molded to look the same but at different sizes. They are all different and my size on someone the same weight and height will look different than mine. We are all unique somedude :)


This is true.. The larger the dress size, the larger the cup becomes despite still being A,B,C,D etc. I lost a dress size and moved up a cup size. Bra shopping is so fun.

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