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Does he like me? Should I try dating again?


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So, I just recently (sort of) got out of a 4 year LDR . Basically, he disappeared on me 8 months ago and then sent me an email a few weeks ago telling me that he let the relationship go and he wanted me to figure it out. So I was really hurt and I grieved a lot and it was still hurting when my roommate suggested I try online dating after I found out that my ex. might be with someone new. Basically, it was an impulsive move on my part. However, I met this one guy who I think is kind of cute and we played tennis together. I do not compare him to my ex. and we laugh a lot together and I just feel a lot better in general ( no more crying ). I sometimes still think about my ex. though.


My question is, should I try with this new guy? I do feel giddy when I'm with him and he's someone who meets what I want in a guy. I'm thinking about talking to him about moving slow and then maybe talk a little about my ex and my experiences and what I want in a relationship if we decide to go further. I know there is this whole concept of rebound but i'm not too sure if that's what he is. He makes me happy, laugh and I don't feel like moving fast with him. I want to figure out what my emotions are and move slow. I sort of want to try because I don't want my ex to get in the way of me finding someone who I like but i'm scared.


Second question, I'm not sure where he stands. I'm not really too sure if he's into me but I've been out of dating so long I have no idea. So the first thing is, I suggested we play tennis at this really nice park and I made it known that I really like this park, or like this big fitness place. He told me he would rather go to the fitness place. Then, when we left, he looked at me and it was quite awkward and he was just like bye. He later texted me that he had a good time and would like to take me out on a more normal date. Secondly, I'm scared if I tell him everything he will not want to date me because we met on an online dating site and he might still be strolling for other women (and maybe he's talking to multiple women at the same time??) and I do like him.



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