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Would You Date An Obese Woman?

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I believe it's what they can get, not their preference. That same man married to the big woman watches mainstream skinny girl porn.

Not true at all... look, I never said anything about white or black and also you may think a guy couldn't get a skinny gurl and in another man's eyes you couldn't get a big girl. It's a matter of preference... just like you have your own preference. I'm pretty sure your favorite color is not everyone else's favorite color etc.... I personally have gotten approached by slim girls and I do NOT find that attractive at all and I DON'T want slim women, plain and simple. Being slim doesn't mean anything to some, it only means something to those who find it attractive. It's just a fact that not every thinks what you are into is pretty...

Edited by bignate71
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^ You do know there's big lady porn out there, right? So someone is watching it, I presume. Granted, it's in the minority.


And some men, especially confident men who don't need to use a woman as a prop, truly like different body types.




I want all kinds of sizes. Sometimes I'm feeling a nice skinny white girl...sometimes I'm feeling a curvy asian...and sometimes I want a big booty white chick...


When im up for it, porn gives me a variety. So my tastes vary.

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No, it has to do with white people being of European descent and of a racial sub-type where the men select for women who are slimmer and hour-glassed in shape. It's in our DNA. The media only inflates those attributes, it doesn't create them out of thin air.


If you look at black and Hispanic focused media you'll see them inflating the traits of women that are considered sexually attractive in those races. Typically thicker, larger build and larger butts.


That also correlates to biology in coorelation to history.


In most European countries, there were an abundance of resources so women who were small were seen as attractive because of their availability.


In poorer areas, like say, some African countries, were food isn't always easy to find...a well fed woman is seen as a sign of health...these ways were carried over in generations past.


What was seen as rare in those areas, was seen as attractive, regardless of geography, rarity was valued.

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Not true at all... look, I never said anything about white or black and also you may think a guy couldn't get a skinny gurl and in another man's eyes you couldn't get a big girl. It's a matter of preference... just like you have your own preference. I'm pretty sure your favorite color is not everyone else's favorite color etc.... I personally have gotten approached by slim girls and I do NOT find that attractive at all and I DON'T want slim women, plain and simple. Being slim doesn't mean anything to some, it only means something to those who find it attractive. It's just a fact that not every thinks what you are into is pretty...


True. Not all slim women are attractive, first off. And since more men chase slim women, they are more likely to have bad attitudes or expect some kind of royal, butt kissing and groveling from men. I think some men would rather be treated better by a fat girl then be treated like dirt just to be with a skinny girl.

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True. Not all slim women are attractive, first off. And since more men chase slim women, they are more likely to have bad attitudes or expect some kind of royal, butt kissing and groveling from men. I think some men would rather be treated better by a fat girl then be treated like dirt just to be with a skinny girl.



Bold 1: You can say that again!


Bold 2: Really? I am curious to know your source, and perhaps a pie chart showing the breakdown

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Bold 1: You can say that again!


Bold 2: Really? I am curious to know your source, and perhaps a pie chart showing the breakdown


My source is supply and demand. The women who have the most dating options are slim women. Therefore, they get chased the most.

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As far as I have experienced in my own life, the really thin women were food obessed and going out for a meal with a friend like that is irritating. One of mine who is like that will go on and on about the food she eats, how many calories are in it, how it's so unhealthy, etc. I suppose some guys would be willing to put up with that, but so ahs a lot of trouble getting guys to go on more than one or two dates with her.


I also have a friends who is about 300 pounds, and in her case, it is a thyroid issue and she's always having to have her medication adjusted, etc. She really looks after appearance, takes the time to do her hair, put on makeup, choose nice clothes, and is so much fun to be around. She's gt more energy than a lot of skinny people I know. She never has a shortage of guys wanting to take her out.


The ones who seem to be the most in demand are those who are of average weight and height, and who are having too much fun to obsesses over exercise and food. I's one thing to eat right and be active, it's another to have it rule your life to the point that you are not a happy person.

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I am around 170-180 pounds, which I rather slim back down to around 140-150 pounds instead.


I can't bring myself to date a woman that has more weight than me.


So that would cross out both overweight and obese women completely.


I miss the days where women is around 120-130 pounds. Now, I would be lucky to find one like that these days. Everyone tend to be bigger than me instead and that is an instant turn-off. I can't date anyone that wants fast food constantly.

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I think some men would rather be treated better by a fat girl then be treated like dirt just to be with a skinny girl.


I rather for those guys to keep their standards and not accept either option instead.


I know I wouldn't.

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It isn't just black guys, though. I live where there's lots of Hispanics and a lot of them seem to have no issue with big women either. I believe it's more a white man issue. And I think it has to do with the media as much as anything, and entitlement, being raised to think they deserve the house, the car, the trophy wife, some of them.

I've seen it change over the years. I think it depends on ethnicity - ie cultural background, first generation etc - someone mentioned scarcity. A lot of the attraction to larger ladies in places like South Africa comes from their being a symbol of abundance of food. My friends tell me that as society has been changing there and the middle class has started growing, apparently ideal has started moving away from the larger too.

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I've seen it change over the years. I think it depends on ethnicity - ie cultural background, first generation etc - someone mentioned scarcity. A lot of the attraction to larger ladies in places like South Africa comes from their being a symbol of abundance of food. My friends tell me that as society has been changing there and the middle class has started growing, apparently ideal has started moving away from the larger too.


That someone was me.

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Would I date an Obese Woman?


I have.


Do I prefer it? No.


The very first girl I "dated" was an obese woman. She was at least 200 something. We were together for two weeks, then she dumped me.


Took me around 10 years to date the next girl, but she was better in every way.

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I wonder how many would consider this model fat or too big.


Not me - nice curves .:love:





NSFW - naked but bits covered by hands.


She'd be a bit too big for me. I Just can't get myself attracted to larger women. My 2 relationships have both been really thin. My current gf especially has a model like physique. I know it comes across as shallow but I can't change it. The girl in the pic would look really pretty if she lost a few pounds. Doesn't have to be a huge amount. Don't get me wrong though, I do like curves. My gf has an amazing butt that's just perfectly round and toned and tight... Drool.

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I only date heavy women. And im going to use the word heavy instead... because the word obese in my mind means unhealthy. Im very attracted to large women, have been since I was a teen. The lightest I dated was about 270 lbs. Right now I am dating "the one". She is 400 lbs...

I love curves and the extra weight. To be honest i think even women who are so obese they are in a hospital or getting gastric bypass are still extremely sexy. Ive seen a documentary on fetishes where a guy would stuff his wife's face with food all the time, and shes getting crippled which is part of the fetish. Would I do this? Well... I'd have to not care about the person to do that to them. But if there was some virtual reality simulator where I could do it I would. Call me twisted but im into that. ONLY as long as no one gets hurt. To be honest, theres no way to do it without hurting someone, so best just to keep that fetish at bay. Deep down inside we have some crazy sexual fantasy, its only a problem if you actually engage in it. How many people would love to rob a bank and get away with it? Fun to fantasize about, its only a problem if you do it.

Now, as of right now though.... Im trying all that I can to be supportive and help my significant other lose weight. She is a large boned woman from a family of women who have bulky hips and thighs. Her bod will be amazing for me when shes as healthy as can be. She won't lose those curves that drive me bonkers, more than likely if she gets healthy it will bring out her curves more.

So yea! Heavy women are definitely my thing(as of right now a heavy woman is my thing though im a one woman man). So an obese woman definitely would not be off limits for me were I single. Ill certainly not engage in the feederism fetish though...

Edited by Higgs
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I only date heavy women. And im going to use the word heavy instead... because the word obese in my mind means unhealthy. Im very attracted to large women, have been since I was a teen. The lightest I dated was about 270 lbs. Right now I am dating "the one". She is 400 lbs...

I love curves and the extra weight. To be honest i think even women who are so obese they are in a hospital or getting gastric bypass are still extremely sexy. Ive seen a documentary on fetishes where a guy would stuff his wife's face with food all the time, and shes getting crippled which is part of the fetish. Would I do this? Well... I'd have to not care about the person to do that to them. But if there was some virtual reality simulator where I could do it I would. Call me twisted but im into that. ONLY as long as no one gets hurt. To be honest, theres no way to do it without hurting someone, so best just to keep that fetish at bay. Deep down inside we have some crazy sexual fantasy, its only a problem if you actually engage in it. How many people would love to rob a bank and get away with it? Fun to fantasize about, its only a problem if you do it.

Now, as of right now though.... Im trying all that I can to be supportive and help my significant other lose weight. She is a large boned woman from a family of women who have bulky hips and thighs. Her bod will be amazing for me when shes as healthy as can be. She won't lose those curves that drive me bonkers, more than likely if she gets healthy it will bring out her curves more.

So yea! Heavy women are definitely my thing(as of right now a heavy woman is my thing though im a one woman man). So an obese woman definitely would not be off limits for me were I single. Ill certainly not engage in the feederism fetish though...


Wow. You're a trooper.

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Sure would in fact I married one. I'm obese myself. Her weight bothered her more than it did me. I loved her for who she was. Unfortunately she had gastric bypass and lost the weight then left me because she didn't want a fat guy anymore. Maybe she never did and she just settled.

On another note I understand if a woman won't date me because of my weight. I have found myself attracted to slimmer women but I will never ask them out. No need to ask a question you already know the answer to. I don't think it's fair to ask somebody to settle.

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Sure would in fact I married one. I'm obese myself. Her weight bothered her more than it did me. I loved her for who she was. Unfortunately she had gastric bypass and lost the weight then left me because she didn't want a fat guy anymore. Maybe she never did and she just settled.

On another note I understand if a woman won't date me because of my weight. I have found myself attracted to slimmer women but I will never ask them out. No need to ask a question you already know the answer to. I don't think it's fair to ask somebody to settle.

If it makes you feel any better it probably wasn't so much you were fat, but that you dated and accepted her when she was. They lose a certain amount of respect for you for that. It's one of the inherent problems in dating a woman who's unhappy with herself. Once she fixes whatever ails her she'll move on, no matter who you are really.

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If it makes you feel any better it probably wasn't so much you were fat, but that you dated and accepted her when she was. They lose a certain amount of respect for you for that.


I doubt that. I would much prefer that, to someone who sees me as something or someone that needs to be fixed.

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If it makes you feel any better it probably wasn't so much you were fat, but that you dated and accepted her when she was. They lose a certain amount of respect for you for that. It's one of the inherent problems in dating a woman who's unhappy with herself. Once she fixes whatever ails her she'll move on, no matter who you are really.


Hmm, that's interesting.


I wonder if something like that happened to me.


She was definitely a happier and more confident woman at the end of the relationship than at the start.

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Sure would in fact I married one. I'm obese myself. Her weight bothered her more than it did me. I loved her for who she was. Unfortunately she had gastric bypass and lost the weight then left me because she didn't want a fat guy anymore. Maybe she never did and she just settled.

On another note I understand if a woman won't date me because of my weight. I have found myself attracted to slimmer women but I will never ask them out. No need to ask a question you already know the answer to. I don't think it's fair to ask somebody to settle.


^That right there...I winced.

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I have found myself attracted to slimmer women but I will never ask them out. No need to ask a question you already know the answer to. I don't think it's fair to ask somebody to settle.


Don't assume that. I'm slender but I have been attracted to a very fat guy before because he was so nice and engaging. If she gives you any signs she might be interested, she probably is. Appearance is not the most important thing to me, and can be overcome by other qualities.

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I am around 170-180 pounds, which I rather slim back down to around 140-150 pounds instead.


I can't bring myself to date a woman that has more weight than me.


So that would cross out both overweight and obese women completely.


I miss the days where women is around 120-130 pounds. Now, I would be lucky to find one like that these days. Everyone tend to be bigger than me instead and that is an instant turn-off. I can't date anyone that wants fast food constantly.


It kills me when guys list ideal weights for women. Most of you are completely clueless about how those numbers correspond to height and body composition. I'm 5'9" and at my smallest was 132 & size 4 (aka, "small"). I'm currently 145, with more muscle definition than before and still wear the same size even though I weigh more. Men usually suck at guessing women's weight. They have it in their heads that certain weights = nice body for a woman, and a woman can't be thin and weigh above that. Think again! Tyra Banks (5'10") was 142 when she was on the cover of Sports Illustrated.


Lose the numbers. Focus on body type.

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It kills me when guys list ideal weights for women. Most of you are completely clueless about how those numbers correspond to height and body composition. I'm 5'9" and at my smallest was 132 & size 4 (aka, "small"). I'm currently 145, with more muscle definition than before and still wear the same size even though I weigh more. Men usually suck at guessing women's weight. They have it in their heads that certain weights = nice body for a woman, and a woman can't be thin and weigh above that. Think again! Tyra Banks (5'10") was 142 when she was on the cover of Sports Illustrated.


Lose the numbers. Focus on body type.


Being 5'9 and 145 is perfectly fine. Nobody is complaining about that.


What is far more common are women that are 5'2 and 145. There is no way that the 5'2 woman has a nice body at that weight.

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