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How to successfully stop drinking pop?

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The thing is you can't just quit it cold turkey. That would make you crave it even more. If your drinking 2 sodas per day, narrow it down to 1 a day for the first week. Than the second week try to have 1 every other day. Than third week have 2 or 3 for that week. Than eventually you possibly won't even want it anymore at all if your used to drinking other things.

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I wouldn't try to quit cold turkey on soda...I used to LOVE drinking soda, when my friends and I we were teenagers, we could drink gallons of the stuff (and also not gain a bound btw because I was so active - miss those days) I drank the stuff steadily though till about early to mid twenties.


Nowadays because of weight-control/health (including dental hygiene) I limit soda to the weekends. But when you get off the soda completely, eventually that is (I haven't drank a lot of soda at a time in years) you don't tend to want it or crave it so much, it's the same with junk-food...soda tastes super sugary it's overwhelming and fast-food tastes immediately greasy and just artificial, it's a nasty taste when you cut it completely out until you get used to it again.


Also try and switch to fruit drinks or juices but just keep it simple like apple juice or something more fresh, not that mixed sugary artificial wannabe fruit stuff, and just drink a small glass...and get used to drinking a lot of water...I used to HATE the taste of water almost more than anything, but you do get used to it if you keep it going, now I drink a lot of water per day. i used to not be able to eat a meal without a soda, it just didn't taste the same, but now I just taste a lot of sugar, I actually eat meals with a small glass of juice and big glass of water or even just water.


Also, when I do drink soda, it's in small cans, I don't buy liters even though it's cheaper. I noticed all I really needed was a small amount anymore anyway, I won't even finish a regular sized soda anymore, there will be about 1/4 at the bottom of it or even half.


It's a step by step process, it takes time, just keep at it and eventually you turn the corner.


You can also drink tea with a bit of honey (works for me)...but I'm not a big tea guy. I always limit what I buy, I don't buy tons of fruit drinks at a time either, just a liter or else I'll go through it too fast since it's there.


As far as the artificial stuff like diet coke, or flavored water, or anything like that...it's not for me, the stuff tastes like crap to me, a small glass of juice does it for me.

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Tropical V8 juice. It has half the calories, but I still drink soda with heavy meals.


Oh God, V8 juice tastes so nasty to me. I remember I had it 2 or 3 years ago & I literally had to spit it out into my sink since I couldn't bare the taste.

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"Cold turkey" is kind of a weird expression...I'll have to look up where it came from.


I've been doing pretty well at drinking water at home. I've noticed I've gotten a lot better, and have even gotten to the point where I prefer it to other drinks. It can be challenging, because I want it VERY cold, but I think I'm getting better at drinking room temp water.


I struggle the most when I go out to eat. Which is also when pop is most expensive. I try to remind myself of the economy of getting water instead, but something about going out to eat makes me want pop.

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"I would not feel so all-abused...

eveybody must get juiced!"



Um, juice, yeah.

And for exotic adventures, just add carbonation (minus sugar.)

Works for me.

About three times a year I get that great big craving for a coke...

but that's it.


But I think the real deal is to divorce the stuff from meals.

Ice water in elegant glasses seems to work well - gives that fine dining feeling.

I keep water jugs in the fridge just for that purpose.

(my downfall is strong coffee.)

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I grew up in the midwest too and I also grew up on pop. When I moved out of parents house with limited funds, pop just didn't seem like something worth spending money on when I could drink water. Anywho, my recommendation, don't buy pop to have around your household. Sure you might still get it sometimes when your out, but it will significantly cut down how much your drinking. Also after you stop drinking pop you get sensitive to the acid in it and can't drink as much.

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Could you keep cans of mineral water at work? Or a soda stream that way you can put the bottles in the fridge?


There are also some beautiful specialty cordials out there, elderflower, orange blossom, rosewater (turkish delight!) that would be lovely with mineral water and a squeeze of lemon.


Also be a bit more mindful about when you drink soft drinks. Give yourself permission to have it, but ask yourself why you want it? Most of our habits and decisions around food are emotional. Identify and manage the emotion and it gets heaps easier.


If you are watching your calorie intake be a bit careful of juices as they are really calorie dense. But very, very tasty!

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I used to drink 2L a day of cola until 7 months ago I still have many other things to quit, but I stopped cold turkey.


One day I just decided to pick a new drink to get addicted to a healthier one, next I spent all day watching videos on YouTube, various things pop can dissolve into nothing in short periods of time till it frightened me.

Edited by Omei
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