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is he flirting or just having fun??

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Hey im trying to figure out if this guy is flirting or not, Heres a list of stuff he has done:


-hands me a fake ring and asks me if id wear it

-put his arm around me and said "hey look this is my new girlfriend" but then said "just kidding'

-compliments me on my hair, makeup, perfume, and nail polish

-after complimenting me, asked me if i was trying to impress someone

-playfully hits me and throws stuff at me

-told me he bothers me all the time becaus he wants to get a "reaction" out of me(by the way, what kind of reaction is he lookin for?)

-makes eye contact


i might be over analyzing this, but from this info, does it sounds like hes flirting or just being friendly?


some other pieces of info: hes 27, and im 19, (age difference), he has 2 kids (one is 1 and a half, dont know about the other one..), and i work for him, if it makes a difference


any input or opinions on any of this is appreciated!

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He's your boss? Watch out!


(You know that you could nail him for sexual harassment, don't you?)

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Sounds like this guy doesn't take you seriously!!! He sees you as a cute little girl he can have fun with or honestly he's gay...one or the other..!!!


What you should do is tell him in a professional matter that you would appreciate if during work hours it was strictly business and that it is very distracting for you and interferes with your job...By standing up to him he'll take you more seriously as a "woman" and not a little girl...but remember do it respectfully...thats if you are interested in him romantically and want something with him..if not ignore him


Also if he has kids it's a package you're to young to be a step-mom anyway...get away while you can ;)

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Originally posted by Brooke_86

any input or opinions on any of this is appreciated!

yes he is trying to get u in the sack but not make it look like work place sexual harassment.

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The Reverend AG

Err, that is exactly how I flirt. So I would surmise that he is flirting with you.


I don't think as a 19 year old, you want anything to do with dating a much older man with kids, so maybe you should tell him to lay off or something.

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