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Some wish it was back to the "Good old days" of dating

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No, that's the text book definition. If you look what they're teaching students at universities, that'll tell you what feminism's really about.


I dont really give a crap what they're teaching at university. I live in the real world with open eyes and I know very well what feminism is. I know how the women in the generations before me lived, i know about gender inequality that is happening this very minute..it's not ancient history.

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I know about gender inequality too. Every time a woman expects a guy to pay for the date. They must all be the bad feminists.


Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the guy feeling immasculated

if the woman doesn't need him or he has no opportunity to act the big shot or the fact that women still only make 78 cents on the dollar what men make, according to the latest 2014 survey.

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I dont really give a crap what they're teaching at university. I live in the real world with open eyes and I know very well what feminism is. I know how the women in the generations before me lived, i know about gender inequality that is happening this very minute..it's not ancient history.


It's a womans world, I don't car what any feminist says. Equal pay is nearly a thing of the past and the glass cieling has even been called a myth. Many women hold high paying jobs at the corporate level. There are more female college graduates than male.


How much attention and funding does breast cancer get vs prostate? Mind you prostate cancer effects and kills nearly the same amount as breast cancer does women. Try being a man with children who needs a shelter. Most shelters that take children are women only. It's almost politically incorrect to be a man these days. If a woman needs a pick me up all she has to do is post a pic on social media and she'll get attention.


I'm all for equal rigjts but the feminists wont stop until women are on the front lines of the battlefield. Where do you draw the line?? Until the average woman can kick the average mans butt she has no place on the battlefield. Does that make me sexist??

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This 100%. Women will not stop until they have everything. And once they get it, what will they do? They almost have it right now. They don't want equal rights, they want everything, and they want us to have nothing.


I was going to respond to this, but I'm not going to bother. Same old thing, second verse, same as the first.

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Are you really trying to say that women expect a man to pay as a favor to him? Ahahahaha! Wow, that's rich.


Your 78 cents on the dollar line has been debunked time and time again. 2 minutes worth of research would tell you that. It's much better than regurgitating statistics.


Well, then whip it out. I'll show you mine:



National Committee on Pay Equity. You can also reference Stanford and any number of universities on this.

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I dont know why a gender demanding equal rights makes the other gender so frightened and defensive. It's not us versus them, and why shouldn't we "have it all"? Why?

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I think equality is great and all. But, I've never gotten an answer as to what exactly feminism is. Equality seems to be a part of it, but it goes further with demanding regulations on fair pay, birth control mandates, higher minimum wage, etc. Stuff I wouldn't support, but stuff that I don't think makes me anti-woman. So I don't know what to think about feminism.

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As far as the "good old days". There never were any. Dating was probably easier for men 50+ years ago, not because of cultural changes but because there were fewer men to go around (things like war and dangerous jobs killed men earlier than women), so constant demand, lower supply meant men had an easier time.


If it's all the same to everyone else I'll take the longer life expectancy and take my chances.

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Whip it out? Nice word choice :)


As I said before, you are just regurgitating statistics. Statistics don't count for much alone.


1: Men work more hours than women. This is part of the reason why women earn less annually. Fewer hours at work=smaller pay check.


2: More women take themselves out of the workforce for years in order to raise their children while men continue to further their career.


3: Traditionally, women choose careers that pay significantly less. Men are no at fault when a woman chooses to be a pre-school teacher while we pick a more lucrative field.


Feel free to fact check anything I have stated here for accuracy.


It is almost impossible to prove discrimination in the work-force because there are too many variables involved. Equal education, equal time working at a particular career, overall aptitude for chosen profession. These factors are not taken into account when you just spout statistics.


All you've done is regurgitate your own personal opinion with nothing to back it up.

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I dont really give a crap what they're teaching at university. I live in the real world with open eyes and I know very well what feminism is. I know how the women in the generations before me lived, i know about gender inequality that is happening this very minute..it's not ancient history.

Of course you won't try and see things from another POV. You don't give a damn what's really going on, because it doesn't impact you negatively.

Well, then whip it out. I'll show you mine:

National Committee on Pay Equity NCPE


Here the explanation for that.


National Committee on Pay Equity. You can also reference Stanford and any number of universities on this.

Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists*|*Christina Hoff Sommers




Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists*|*Christina Hoff Sommers


Oh and fu*k what standford says. Didn't I just get through talking about universities.

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I dont know why a gender demanding equal rights makes the other gender so frightened and defensive. It's not us versus them, and why shouldn't we "have it all"? Why?


I fully support feminism when it is what you say in this quote.

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The fact remains that women are paid less for the same jobs. It's a fact. Yes, mothers put themselves in a unique category, but if they're doing the same job, they should get equal pay. I am not a mother. I have spent 40+ years in the workplace getting paid half of what men get paid. I have chosen jobs that were mostly male at the time I chose them. I have been caretaker of a 65-acre ranch, with another woman; I have been a motorcycle escort rider, ATM tech, and spent 20 years in the male-dominated record business making 1/3 to 1/2 what my counterpart men did. I can tell you that the discrimination there hasn't improved much and the proof is that one guy I had a parallel career with and had a couple years of experience on is now a VP of a major entertainment division while another one I trained is also a VP of a major entertainment division that provides a third of your media entertainment. While I have had to have two jobs my entire life to just keep the bills going and have all the same skills those guys have and no kids, where they both have kids. Let's not forget that men have kids too. It's not really women's fault if men refuse to put in half the childcare time and compromise THEIR careers.

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It's a womans world, I don't car what any feminist says. Equal pay is nearly a thing of the past and the glass cieling has even been called a myth. Many women hold high paying jobs at the corporate level. There are more female college graduates than male.


How much attention and funding does breast cancer get vs prostate? Mind you prostate cancer effects and kills nearly the same amount as breast cancer does women. Try being a man with children who needs a shelter. Most shelters that take children are women only. It's almost politically incorrect to be a man these days. If a woman needs a pick me up all she has to do is post a pic on social media and she'll get attention.


I'm all for equal rigjts but the feminists wont stop until women are on the front lines of the battlefield. Where do you draw the line?? Until the average woman can kick the average mans butt she has no place on the battlefield. Does that make me sexist??



Happens when the Men Rights Activists are busy witchhunting on women and trying to deny obvious problems women face, instead of actually spending time on problems men face like the ones you mentioned.


This is still a terrible misogynistic world, sadly. But watch out! Dont point out this to a man, it will hurts his feelings when you are taking his RIGHT away to be misogynistic!!!

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Happens when the Men Rights Activists are busy witchhunting on women and trying to deny obvious problems women face, instead of actually spending time on problems men face like the ones you mentioned.


This is still a terrible misogynistic world, sadly. But watch out! Dont point out this to a man, it will hurts his feelings when you are taking his RIGHT away to be misogynistic!!!


But you are not taking anyone's rights away. Any of us have the right to be misogynistic if we so choose.

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But you are not taking anyone's rights away. Any of us have the right to be misogynistic if we so choose.


You can hate or dislike women all you want, not sure why you would though. Provided that your hatred doesn't drive you to carry out illegal acts against women.


I am amazed that people would say such things.


What about "i have the right to be sexist, racist, homophobic and a twat"? I personally aspire to better myself rather than hate and discriminate. To each their own.

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Happens when the Men Rights Activists are busy witchhunting on women and trying to deny obvious problems women face, instead of actually spending time on problems men face like the ones you mentioned.


This is still a terrible misogynistic world, sadly. But watch out! Dont point out this to a man, it will hurts his feelings when you are taking his RIGHT away to be misogynistic!!!


I am not a supporter of the MRA movement because they are just as crazy and hate filled as the manhaters but when men talk about issues such as divorce and family courts or boys educational crisis without being sexist they still get crap from feminists. It is possible to address these issues without being against women.

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I am not a supporter of the MRA movement because they are just as crazy and hate filled as the manhaters but when men talk about issues such as divorce and family courts or boys educational crisis without being sexist they still get crap from feminists. It is possible to address these issues without being against women.


From SOME feminists. Many feminists do not take extreme or radical positions and instead DO speak up for and work for gender equality.


I consider myself a feminist so I want to make sure that the word is used fairly. There are lots of folks in various groups these days who are concerned that their group is being taken over by fringe elements, so I guess it's a common concern.

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The fact remains that women are paid less for the same jobs. It's a fact. Yes, mothers put themselves in a unique category, but if they're doing the same job, they should get equal pay. I am not a mother. I have spent 40+ years in the workplace getting paid half of what men get paid. I have chosen jobs that were mostly male at the time I chose them. I have been caretaker of a 65-acre ranch, with another woman; I have been a motorcycle escort rider, ATM tech, and spent 20 years in the male-dominated record business making 1/3 to 1/2 what my counterpart men did. I can tell you that the discrimination there hasn't improved much and the proof is that one guy I had a parallel career with and had a couple years of experience on is now a VP of a major entertainment division while another one I trained is also a VP of a major entertainment division that provides a third of your media entertainment. While I have had to have two jobs my entire life to just keep the bills going and have all the same skills those guys have and no kids, where they both have kids. Let's not forget that men have kids too. It's not really women's fault if men refuse to put in half the childcare time and compromise THEIR careers.


The above line is your reason. Two words for you: Status Quo. In male dominated fields, companies are REQUIRED, (by "Equal Opportunity" Employment Laws), to hire 1 woman for every X number of men. Even if a dozen men applied who have 10x the experience.


I chose one of these fields as well. There were 11 of us in the graduating class that quarter. 1 woman and 10 guys. My stuff was not the best of us, but hers was much worse. She already had a job waiting! I'm still trying to get in and I graduated in 2005!


In the fields where the male/female ratio is closer and women actually have to be Skilled to get the job, the pay is equal in nearly all cases.

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To the OP, I think the majority of modern men, westerners anyway, are more progressive thinking and are all for eqality, myself included. I'm not sure how many would want to Return to that way of thinking. It may not have been easier, per say, but to say things have not really changed is a great big steaming pile of camel poo. If, back in my parents time, things were like they are now, I would never have been born! My parents didn't even LIKE each other when they first met. They were sort of forced to spend time together because his bff and her bff were dating.


Also "back in the day" while it may have still been happening, it was not to the extent that they needed to come up with a name for it! [FRIENDZONE] And guys did not have to worry so much about being labeled "Creepy" for approching a woman and trying to introduce himself!

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Also "back in the day" while it may have still been happening, it was not to the extent that they needed to come up with a name for it! [FRIENDZONE]


Wow this thread is going strong, apparently it had something going for it. LOL


Anyhow, in regards to your response Engnmatic Response. Yeah, women didn't really do any friendzoning back in the day. I think it was the mad rush/fear of dying in combat on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day that created a boom in hooking up with women and getting married.


"I'm hitting the beaches, I may not come back alive, let's get married!" or the idea of having someone to write home to before they shipped off to war was something most desired. These men relied on a support system of sorts when attempting to keep it together mentally.


And guys did not have to worry so much about being labeled "Creepy" for approaching a woman and trying to introduce himself!


I was going to start a new thread on this, but yeah...recently I inferred as a stalker by a female friend of mine at a Meetup. Apparently we hit the town as a group. Most of the group was women. 2 men (Me and a new guy).


I get to chatting with her friend a little, got to know her some. Must've been a short, 5 min. conversation.


Since I know the friend, I had asked about the current availability of said friend. She said, "She's here just to make friends, not have stalkers."


I was like "What?? Why on Earth would you think that?"


Her: "Wasn't me, was what she told me."


(Of course, who knows who said what, she could be just passing the buck).


I said, "I only chatted with her for about a few mins, just got to know her, that's it."


Her friend: "Are you sure? Maybe it was the way you looked at her."


And there you have it, 0 to being labeled a stalker in minutes. I left the Meetup immediately, didn't want to be around that.


Seems they were in man-hating mode as the Organizer inferred that most of the single women she knows from her church group were already frustrated with me, so they were likely in "man-hating" mode at the time and took it out on me.

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I don't know if this is going to the old day per se but I think it's hard to find women who want to follow a mans lead now days. We're told ad nauseum that women want take charge men but I've come to learn the opposite. I will caveat this with me gravitating toward controlling women because of the familr I grew up in *but* I see many r's where the woman is running the show, so I don't think I'm looking at this with tunnel vision because of my upbringing.


I truly believe that most women want a masculine man that they can control. I don't mean a spineless chicken shyt that's gonna roll over. I mean that in the overall grand scheme of things, *it's her show*.


Another issue for many men IMO is fitting into a woman window. For one reason or another, it's her windo you need to fit into, not vise versa. Blame it on women having mkre options since they are the pursued sex or whatever you want. Unless a woman is smitten over you off the bat, you better make moves before it's too late or she'll think you're not interested or are shy. Dating is a tightrope walk for many men.


Dating is so stacked in women's favor these days due to social media, and their "independence". It's not even funny. I think many are very picky due to ego boosting from said social media outlets. TBS don't take my using independence asbI don't think they should have it or settle, nobody should settle.

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In our parents days, being romantic, having flowers delivered at her workplace after a date, etc....was considering romantic.


Sadly, romance is now considered creepy/stalking. Women tend to get offended more easily than they did back in the day.



I don't know if this is going to the old day per se but I think it's hard to find women who want to follow a mans lead now days. We're told ad nauseum that women want take charge men but I've come to learn the opposite. I will caveat this with me gravitating toward controlling women because of the familr I grew up in *but* I see many r's where the woman is running the show, so I don't think I'm looking at this with tunnel vision because of my upbringing.


I truly believe that most women want a masculine man that they can control. I don't mean a spineless chicken shyt that's gonna roll over. I mean that in the overall grand scheme of things, *it's her show*.


Another issue for many men IMO is fitting into a woman window. For one reason or another, it's her windo you need to fit into, not vise versa. Blame it on women having mkre options since they are the pursued sex or whatever you want. Unless a woman is smitten over you off the bat, you better make moves before it's too late or she'll think you're not interested or are shy. Dating is a tightrope walk for many men.


Dating is so stacked in women's favor these days due to social media, and their "independence". It's not even funny. I think many are very picky due to ego boosting from said social media outlets. TBS don't take my using independence asbI don't think they should have it or settle, nobody should settle.

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Used to be days when you would take a lady out for a milkshake and a movie at the drive in theater and she would know exactly what you wanted. And if she wasn't interested, she would politely decline.


Then somewhere along the line, Mark Zuckerberg (F U very much) decided it would be super easy to tell who was single or not by having them list it on his website. And thus began the age of the online barrier of social media. Girls are now so secure behind their phones and computers that they stopped responding to old fashion moves. They no longer like being approached. Of course in certain social settings it's still possible, but very much unlikely.


And girls say chivalry is dead. Please.. truth is you're afraid of chivalry. Real chivalry didn't die off, it was murdered! Murdered I tell you!

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Some of this stuff is ridiculous....Maybe some guys need to look at themselves...If they think they are getting crapped on by manipulative women in the dating/courtship process, then dont perpetuate it...Simple...If FB is an issue for you, then dont participate....If enough guys had this attitude, then most women wouldnt have these attributes...The only problem is most guys nowadays view women as their surrogate mothers that they can fck, and turn into spineless jellyfish at the mere prospect of getting laid...Its pretty sad...:rolleyes:


I do blame the media to some extent, as they portray most guys as bumbling and stupid immature clowns..While women are shown as the shining lights of humanity...But thats another issue altogether..


Most independent and secure guys dont have these issues, btw...



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Used to be days when you would take a lady out for a milkshake and a movie at the drive in theater and she would know exactly what you wanted. And if she wasn't interested, she would politely decline.


You wanted a movie and a milk shake? What else would you want? And blokes on this site say women talk in metaphors and send mixed messages.


Ohhh I get it. Courting used to be easy 'cause you didn't have to do much. Now you do. Sucks to be a man really doesn't it? Yet so many seem to get on just fine...


Then somewhere along the line, Mark Zuckerberg (F U very much) decided it would be super easy to tell who was single or not by having them list it on his website. And thus began the age of the online barrier of social media. Girls are now so secure behind their phones and computers that they stopped responding to old fashion moves. They no longer like being approached. Of course in certain social settings it's still possible, but very much unlikely.


At least there is minimal confusion. You can't stop progress.


Some of the men in this thread seem frustrated that they have had to enter the new millennium where women have a say in their lives an relationships and may have *gasp* some autonomy in choice and desires for their life partner, rather than getting married at 22. What old fashioned moves are we talking about?


And girls say chivalry is dead. Please.. truth is you're afraid of chivalry. Real chivalry didn't die off, it was murdered! Murdered I tell you!


No, women still appreciate chivalry, but I am not sure of your definition. Is it taking her to a movie and for a milkshake and expecting.... what exactly?

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