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Should I let me friendship end?


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Hi all, I really need your advice on something. Hope you can help me out.

I'm a guy, and currently in college right now. I consider B, also a guy, one of my best friends. Today, he asked me whether I was gay or not, because apparently recently, he misinterpreted some "signals" I had. Now, I am not gay, and the thought of being gay loathes me. But what I'm concerned about is my friendship with B.


I've tried talking to him. I consider him one of my best friends, saying how our friendship means a lot to me (but not on the verge of being ####erotic). But apparently, he won't buy it. He's been in the military, and is a hockey player on the college team, so I guess you can say he fits the male stereotype to the extreme. To him, friendship between guys are just "a punch one day, fine the next." To him, emotions between friends signify gay.


Now he's not even willing to talk to me. What should I do? I am not gay, but I consider him as one of my best friends. I know best friends, or friends, for that matter, are reciprocal. I asked him if he still considered us friends. He said he *did* but not anymore. Should I try to salvage it? If so, how can I?


Please help. Please...

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Well It seems you concider him a better friend than he conciders you. I would say with friends like that who need enemies. I myself would probably let it go, the friendship that is.. What would he do if you ever made a gay friend (as friends) he would disown you then too.


I would let it go.. :bunny:

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