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emotional blackmail... :/


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i met this dude few weeks ago and then he was good n friendly and wanted to help me in searching job... so i gave him resume but then started the emotional blackmail.... he proposed me and i said no and since then he is texting calling me endlessly .... when i pick up he says things like he would leave his job, he would go back to his country , he is not feeling good to work and he is blaming me .... becos i dint accept his proposal ....he says that i belong to him and he has right over me which i denied .... he even tried to touch me and i just ran away and i have switched off my mobile and gonna change my sim soon... i feel so sick that i faced all this....:( and i havent taken any action as i dont wanna create a mess ....

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go to the authorities this guy sounds like bad news. Nobody should try and touch you without your permission

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You're already in a mess so before it escalates, follow the advice above about a restraining order and order of protection.


Do you know how to proceed?

Are you in the United States?

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