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Thought it was over, but not sure what to make of this.

Man Of The Hour

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Man Of The Hour

Hi Everyone. I'm a long time lurker, and first time poster. Just to give you a little back history. I broke up with my girlfriend three weeks ago. She told me that although she loved me and enjoyed us spending time together, she just had too much on and lacked the energy to maintain a relationship. Fair enough, I thought. I'm worth more than a half hearted love. After we'd split I implemented total NC. After a really difficult first week or so, I started to feel better about things. I was having counselling for issues that have resurfaced from childhood, joined the gym, reconnected with friends and started to go out and meet new girls.


Fast forward to day 20 of NC, I received a text from my ex, which basically said "Hello, I wasn't sure you'd want to hear from me, but I was wondering how you were. No news here, I'm still working crazy hours, but I had a nice weekend away last week. Hope to hear back from you" I replied a few hours later simply saying "I'm really good thanks, been super busy, glad you had a nice time away. Hope you're good too" I had a reply back from her almost immediately saying the following "Really glad to hear that, I've got loads of your things here, I'll drop them off to you next week. Have a good weekend" After this I was scratching my head, to my recollection the only items I'd left at her place were a pair of socks and a couple of DVD's. These are are things with no value in any respect, so not worth asking for back, things you write off as collateral damage when a relationship ends.


I'd love to know what you guys think, in what her intentions might be, and maybe how to proceed. I'm a little wary at the moment, so any advice or insight would be really helpful.

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I'm pretty sure she only initiated contact to find a way to get rid of the items. She just added a few niceties so as not to be so blunt about it. Don't read anything into it. The best thing would be to retrieve the items quickly so as not to drag it out. Tell her to drop them at your door by a certain time or just throw them out.

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