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Regret giving someone a second chance

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I dated someone for 10 years, it ended badly. It was the worst relationship I have ever been. It was painful and all we ever did was argue. Horrible, just horrible. Well it ended 5 years ago. Hes been calling for the past couple years about 2-3 times a week, I ignored it until early Sept. It hurt and scared me seeing his name on my landline caller id. But I called back one day to see why he is calling. He answered and apologized for all the bad and horrible things he said and put me through. Blamed it on his drinking and said he quit. I forgave and gave him my cell number to keep me posted on his life, was glad we were civil for the first time in years. Thought he changed. Hoped so. Well he kept calling and calling. he said he had quit drinking and thats why hes a changed man, well he called drunk. sure of it. the name calling returned after that. I then asked him to never contact me again. He text again nicer and apologetic. had a long text conversation finally got him to say goodbye again and promised he will let me be, he texted the next day. He texts and calls both numbers, I have stopped being nice and have also begged and pleaded for him to leave me alone. he claims he wants nothing but forgiveness, i gave him that, why wont he leave me alone. I have blocked him but he uses different phones. He switches attitude he is lovely then back to his old ways. Any ideas on what i can do to ignore him? Why would he call me after I forgave him and all i asked was for him to leave me alone.

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I would get as far away as possible from him. Tell your friend's he is harassing you. He sounds obsessed. Contact the police as well,see what they think. Don't reply to anything. I have a similar situation. I alerted my whole social circle. Good luck.

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