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my fiance moved back with me "he will change his life" lets see :)


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Here is an update on my life regarding my fiance. I moved him back with me knowing that he has his issues. I google "how to live with an alcholic" not everything I agree to .... he is willing to adjust his life to fit into mine. He also agree to get treated by his doctor and follow up on doctors appointment.

I know the saying is " what you buy you wear" so here it is I decided to marry my fiance.I will do my best! until ..........

He loves me & I love him ;) thats it !

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If you are really going to go through with this go to some Al-Anon meetings before you walk down the aisle. That is the support group for people who love alcoholics.


Since you don't like his behavior, especially when he drinks, I don't see this working out for your two unless he gets sober. Good luck.

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Before you get married, at the very least allow for consistency and proof of his ability to maintain that change.


Having lived with an alcoholic father, it was a difficult life and most times, promises for change were just words to appease and get what they want.


Love is wonderful, but it really isn't enough.

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Do you honestly believe he's going to change now and sober up? You said in one of your previous posts that you had already tried everything to get him to stop drinking. I think his statements that he's going to change are rubbish and are just being made to get you to marry him. I don't think you should rush it. Give it another six months at least to see if his actions match his words.


I also grew up with an alcoholic father in the house. It was beyond horrible. How does your daughter feel about you marrying him?

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