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Eleven Days and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It has gotten here so quick.


The costumes are almost done.


We have had our rings for a long time, but now we have the kids jewelry. My honey is taking vows with my kids, and as soon as our finances straighten out he is going to file for adoption. :love:


My soon to be MIL and I have been having so much fun sewing (though she ended up getting tendionitis). Being that my honey is 6'4" good ole Viking/Scottish stock, red hair and beard, he looks more Viking than medieval in his costume, but he looks yummy so I don't mind at all. My son is wearing a mini-version of his costume, the poor boy wanted to wear a kilt really bad, but didn't want to be teased for wearing a "skirt".


My dress is coming together, the bride is wearing green and wine (the color not the drink). AND this weekend the material I have been drooling over for the undersleeves and trim was on sale!! My MIL got it for me, and instead of $9.99 a yard, it was $9.00 for three yards!!!


I have to make the wings for my daughters faerie costume. Her dress is so amazing, and I made it! I can't believe it.


My big brother who is a self professed redneck is even wearing a costume!! :love: He told me he would wear whatever I wanted. I reminded him that since we are so close to SF that could be a dangerous thing to say :p


One of my best friends is flying out (yep its a guy). We made a picture of this hideous material and emailed him to tell him that is what his shirt was going to be made out of. He said it was perfect :) he would wear whatever I wanted him too! :love: I do adore that boy.


Our internet "friends" have been sending poems and best wishes to our best man to be printed and placed in a book at the wedding.


The potluck includes Japanese food, Mexican food, Philipino food, Norwegian food, Chinese food, Brazilian food, and fresh veggies. YUM!! Its nice having such a diverse group of friends. :) It might not fit the "Medieval" theme, but it fits our invitations which read, "Join us for a celebration of Family, Friendship, and Love".



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WOW how original. Sounds like it going to be a beautiful wedding.


I definitely need to see pictures of the costumes.


CONGRATS!!!!! :love::love::)

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That sounds really wonderful. Have a great time! :D

Making your own costumes must have been a lot of fun; and nothing could be better than sharing your day with excellent friends. :love:

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I'm so jealous!!! That's so awesome RR!!


We want pics!


We want pics!


We want pics!

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P.S. I think it really says a LOT about your friends being so open to this, dressing up, etc! They must know you two are uber~special!


Also, I think it's cool as get-out that your daughter is dressing up like a faerie. OMG I'm so jealous....lol.

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The heck with pics, where's my invitation!!!! I'll bring a whole camera crew! I even have a costume from the Renaissance Festival here that I could wear!! Marriage is wonderful and your celebration sounds awesome!!!

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

WOW how original. Sounds like it going to be a beautiful wedding.


I definitely need to see pictures of the costumes.


CONGRATS!!!!! :love::love::)


Thank you!!! Its very "us" as it were. We are such goof balls. :D



Originally posted by Artifact

That sounds really wonderful. Have a great time! :D

Making your own costumes must have been a lot of fun; and nothing could be better than sharing your day with excellent friends. :love:


I don't sew much, well..more accurately I didn't sew much until now. The honey is even sewing!!


You are SOOOO right. There are just under fifty people invited. We even have audience participation written into the ceremony, and NO SITTING. Everyone will be standing in a circle around us.



Originally posted by tiki

I'm so jealous!!! That's so awesome RR!!


We want pics!


We want pics!


We want pics!


hehe soon as the wedding is over I will get them up ASAP. Don't be jealous love, you got HI for your wedding.


Originally posted by tiki

P.S. I think it really says a LOT about your friends being so open to this, dressing up, etc! They must know you two are uber~special!


Also, I think it's cool as get-out that your daughter is dressing up like a faerie. OMG I'm so jealous....lol.


We have really amazing people in our lives. I have only two attendants as it were. One male and one female, and they will be armed with swords and a dagger!! hehehe


My Poohzle (the kiddo's nic-name) and her new Dad designed the costume. A friend of ours found this wonderful material with sparkles on it. She isn't going to be the flower girl, she is going to scatter faerie dust down in front of me!



Originally posted by HokeyReligions

The heck with pics, where's my invitation!!!! I'll bring a whole camera crew! I even have a costume from the Renaissance Festival here that I could wear!! Marriage is wonderful and your celebration sounds awesome!!!




It would be nice to share it with you!!


Maybe I will post a copy of our ceremony.


I will let you guys in on a secret. My SIL is going to play her violin for us. She will be playing the introductions for us. The honey's is a sort of sea shanty. ::Grins wickedly:: And because I am from Georgia....she is going to play dueling banjos for me to come out to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sounds fantastic! Good for you, you will have such a wonderful, unique day! The costumes sound great.

I can imagine how excited you must be...we are 7 weeks away from our Big Day, and just can't wait.

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