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Why would he say this in front of my dad?

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You got a glimpse of what kind of boyfriend this guy would be. Look, your dad is a guy, he was a young guy at one time. He might know what Nick meant. But still, you never, ever talk about sex in front of the girl's dad. I have two kids with my wife and I would never even hint at the idea that we are even having sex in front of my father in law.



The guy is just low class. Sorry, that's a trailer trash way of talking. Polite society doesn't talk like that in mixed company. Your dad, definitely qualifies as mixed company.

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You have to admit how this kind of looks though, right? So, it is okay for you to apparently "joke" about how you want to get with a married man, and that is not inappropriate and just a joke..but his saying that in front of your dad is disrespectful and not appropriate? Maybe the line of what was or was not appropriate began to get blurry once he saw you making comments like that in front of your dad?


Maybe he was jokingly trying to embarrass you in front of your father? I don't know, but the point is you essentially did make a comment that makes it seem like you want to f*ck Nick. You can at least acknowledge how one could interpret your comment as that, yes? Yes, what he said to you was more vulgar, but it already sounded like you had more or less yourself already implied you wanted to sleep with this guy.


To be quite honest, if I had a daughter and she more or less made a comment about wanting to get with a married man I'd feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Especially since, even though I was not there..the way you told the story, makes it sound like you were joking, but not joking. Like you were saying it as an attempt at humor, but it doesn't mean you don't also actually consider him "forbidden fruit".


Ugh....I could have meant many other things by the "forbidden fruit" comment and I did. It means you desire some one but you can't have them, so in other words I can't KISS Nick. I can't DATE Nick. I can't really have a DEEP CONNECTION with Nick. See it doesn't always mean "I just want to **** him" My mind didn't really go there, I was saying he was the "forbidden fruit" all the way around. In all aspects. But see I make a joke comment, he just flat out said it in front of my dad, that is just wrong. It doesn't always mean sexual when you say "Forbidden Fruit" it could mean others things.

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I don't like situations like these, because it's all about the context at that point in time.


If the dad didn't react, then whatever was said was probably not as extreme as the OP is making it sound.


I'd stay neutral about this just because it's a confined space and I think the OP is overreacting. I think there is more to this story than we are being told... or maybe less.


What I said is what happened. Why would I go on here to only tell half of the story or not give more details? What you see in my post is what the situation is. That would be pointless of me to go on here and just only tell half of the story. This is the full story, there's nothing more to it.

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You got a glimpse of what kind of boyfriend this guy would be. Look, your dad is a guy, he was a young guy at one time. He might know what Nick meant. But still, you never, ever talk about sex in front of the girl's dad. I have two kids with my wife and I would never even hint at the idea that we are even having sex in front of my father in law.



The guy is just low class. Sorry, that's a trailer trash way of talking. Polite society doesn't talk like that in mixed company. Your dad, definitely qualifies as mixed company.


Yes, thank you. Exactly! My dad is playing the "I didn't pay attention" card. When it's like yeah, sure *rollseyes*. He was in the car with him so how could he have not really "paid attention" or "heard"? So ridiculous to me. My dad isn't looking at it as bad as I am, but I guess like you said he's "mixed company", maybe he is or just really stupid I have no idea, but thanks for shaing your opinion, you are totally right.

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Seems like the guy either has a moral objection to this, or he likes you. I would go for the latter, and at which point, I would say jealousy came out as anger.


At any case, I mean, however you want to interpret it, you said you'd **** another dude. I mean, by all means, argue how you want here, but you don't need to lie to yourself, forbidden fruit is used all the time to represent lust and desire. As per the wiki 'As a metaphor, the phrase typically refers to any indulgence or pleasure that is considered illegal or immoral' so is it so far for him to assume what you intend your forbidden, immoral pleasure would be? It seems pretty clear the guy is jealous, but others don't see it that way.


Did you say it on purpose? Do you **** with this guy, lead him on? If you do, then stop ****ing with him anymore. If not, then I'd just cut him loose, you don't need to, but he will never be comfortable with you saying anything about an attraction towards another man.

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Seems like the guy either has a moral objection to this, or he likes you. I would go for the latter, and at which point, I would say jealousy came out as anger.


At any case, I mean, however you want to interpret it, you said you'd **** another dude. I mean, by all means, argue how you want here, but you don't need to lie to yourself, forbidden fruit is used all the time to represent lust and desire. As per the wiki 'As a metaphor, the phrase typically refers to any indulgence or pleasure that is considered illegal or immoral' so is it so far for him to assume what you intend your forbidden, immoral pleasure would be? It seems pretty clear the guy is jealous, but others don't see it that way.


Did you say it on purpose? Do you **** with this guy, lead him on? If you do, then stop ****ing with him anymore. If not, then I'd just cut him loose, you don't need to, but he will never be comfortable with you saying anything about an attraction towards another man.


No, I don't **** with him, honestly. I am not even around him. I don't even know what to call him, I guess a distant friend? Not sure though. I see that I made him kinda upset or whatever, so I do realize now more that he is much more of an imbecile. So I am farthest away from him now. Thanks!

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Yes, thank you. Exactly! My dad is playing the "I didn't pay attention" card. When it's like yeah, sure *rollseyes*. He was in the car with him so how could he have not really "paid attention" or "heard"? So ridiculous to me. My dad isn't looking at it as bad as I am, but I guess like you said he's "mixed company", maybe he is or just really stupid I have no idea, but thanks for shaing your opinion, you are totally right.


It might be a very uncomfortable thing for him to talk about. I know that growing up, I didn't have a "hot" sister by any means but once or twice I had friends that said my sister was "hot". I didn't want to hear that at all. No one wants to think that another person thinks that way about their sister.



Now, it is probably double if someone talks sexual around your daughter, directing a question at her. Just a guess, but any father worth his salt would not like to hear that at all. It might have been awkward to say something in the car to the guy, but I guarantee your dad was thinking right away "What is this guy's deal, I'm sitting right here!"

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You got a glimpse of what kind of boyfriend this guy would be.


This makes no sense. First, if this guy was her bf and she was making comments about other dudes being forbidden fruit? Sorry, the bf isn't the d-bag here, the gf is.

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^She's NOT his gf. He's some tool who visits her dad while trying to get next to her. She didn't do anything wrong. She can like anyone she likes, even if they are forbidden fruit and this douche doesn't get to comment on it because she doesn't have a relationship with him.

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^She's NOT his gf. He's some tool who visits her dad while trying to get next to her. She didn't do anything wrong. She can like anyone she likes, even if they are forbidden fruit and this douche doesn't get to comment on it because she doesn't have a relationship with him.


Thank you preraph. Said it perfectly!

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Why do you even care if it was jealousy or not?


If you aren't interested in him, and you feel like he's a jackass, why does it matter why he acted the way he did? Idk.. to me it just seems like you want an ego boost or something.

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^She's NOT his gf. He's some tool who visits her dad while trying to get next to her. She didn't do anything wrong. She can like anyone she likes, even if they are forbidden fruit and this douche doesn't get to comment on it because she doesn't have a relationship with him.


Okay, but did you read the comment I was quoting? This was a "what if" scenario. I never said they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I was specifically commenting on someone saying "this shows how he will be as a boyfriend" or something. So my comment was about..if a person in a RELATIONSHIP did what the OP did..the boyfriend would be in the right. That isn't what happened, obviously.


I never said she can or can't like whoever she wants. Also, seriously, if she is making conversation about forbidden fruit to him..why can't he comment on it? It makes no sense. Why say something if nobody can comment on it? Maybe he commented on it the wrong way, but you just implied any comment in general would of been wrong.


This is also a tool who visits her dad to get next to her that..she totally see's as a "distant" friend, but this same tool riles her up enough to go post about it on the internet. Yep, doesn't sound like there is anything more to *that* story does there? I totally get riled up about people I am not interested in and then I go post about it on the internet, I only do that for people I do not like because logic!

Edited by Spectre
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The minute you called Nick "forbidden fruit" YOU made it clear that you had some interest in Nick. Your friend's choice of words in front of your dad was inappropriate but I think his sentiment was spot on.


This. OP if you were bothered with how the exchange went in front of your dad, you probably shouldn't have made such a racy joke in front of your dad. I agree it was not the appropriate setting for him to blurt out such a line, but you shouldn't have pushed his buttons either.


He clearly likes you. Why else is he hanging out with your dad? Sounds like he got a little jealous when you said that.

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I am not looking for validation. WTF? I am asking why a person would do that. Just wanted to see what people would say.


Because he thought being a immature wank face was the hawt thing to do? I don't know what else would you like to hear hes a horrid meanie? so the thought of him being jealous was never in your mind at all when you started this thread really? :confused:


I mean what ever makes you happy its your life and your entitled to ask what ever you like on here but be aware you will get a variety of different answers.. To me it doesn't matter why a guy acts like a d*ck smack only that he did and that its not something I would tolerate.


That said to me it seamed from your posts that you thought his reaction was quite possibility jealously and you were having a "gosh really" kinda moment in response to it.."Gee hes a d*ck smack ass hat isn't he? but hehe I made him jealous!" ..just saying thats my honest take on it..


Eh im sorry if my view offended you here is a happy bouncy bunny :bunny: enjoy!

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Awww the poor guy got his feewings hurt. Seriously she doesn't have to control what she says around him because this guy is too sensitive. He needed to shut his yapper and stop trying to get in her life where he isn't welcomed in the first place. And she needs to stay the f away from him or she will continue to get his douchy reactions to whatever she says. He is just acting like a spoiled liitle brat because he can't have her oh boo hoo. He isn't some "nice guy" getting toyed with, he is creating this negativity on his own. If he truly was a nice guy he just accept it, and leave her alone, and keep his jealousy to himself.

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Awww the poor guy got his feewings hurt. Seriously she doesn't have to control what she says around him because this guy is too sensitive. He needed to shut his yapper and stop trying to get in her life where he isn't welcomed in the first place. And she needs to stay the f away from him or she will continue to get his douchy reactions to whatever she says. He is just acting like a spoiled liitle brat because he can't have her oh boo hoo. He isn't some "nice guy" getting toyed with, he is creating this negativity on his own. If he truly was a nice guy he just accept it, and leave her alone, and keep his jealousy to himself.


I like how you can tell all this by him asking her if she wants to f*ck a guy that she calls "forbidden fruit".

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