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Update on the Pix

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Hi all-


I got more papers in the mail yesterday and it looks like we are hammering out the details. Still not fully satisfied but at least it will all be over!


I asked STBXH when it will be final and he says as soon as it's filed by the court. Apparently the waiting period started when he filed the original paperwork on 12/28. So, I may be a free woman pretty soon.


It feels extremely wierd, just like it did when we first separated and I took off my wedding ring. It's kinda sad that you can end a long marriage like we had in less than 6 months.


I'm glad it's over but a little saddened over how it's all wound up. I'm sad that if he would have just tried a little harder or gone to counseling all the times I asked that we would probably still be married...............


Just one of those days I guess but just thought I'd give a update.

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Mz Pixie:


It WILL feel strange for a while. I've been living on my own for just over eight months. When my XH and I are together, it's feels like I have to keep reminding myself that we aren't married. Just the other day, I told someone "outloud" about "my ex-husband" and it was the strangest thing to say to me.


When we are together, he will still call me "Dear." Even some of the guys at work slip up and call me, "Mrs. X". After so many years, it's only natural that old habits will take some time to get used to.

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It's been under 2 months for me. I have a hard time saying ex-husband, and also husband. I usually say "my kids' dad". I had to order a new chequebook and couldn't find where to eliminate the "Mrs" on the online form - I guess I still am a Mrs. and don't think I'll go to Ms or my maiden name for a while anyway.


We talk almost everyday and get along great. Sometimes I see a look in his eye that I'm not sure what it is. I just act normal and limit our conversation to talking about the kids or might say something about what my family or his family are up to in their lives.


He seems like a friend to me, no romantic feelings although that's what the last few years felt like. I guess that's why it feels so "normal" when I see him. When I'm with my b/f I feel things I've never felt in my almost 40 yrs - we truly are "lovers" in every sense of the word.


We have to wait a year before we can proceed with the D.

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A year??? How horrible! What's up with that? Is it your state's law??


BF wants to marry as soon as we can. I am experiencing the love of my life right now with him and I want to marry as soon as I can too but we have to get our kids used to each other.


I have met his son, but he hasn't met my kids. I wanted to wait until the D was final. Now, I guess it will be crunch time and I'm scared!

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