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Saw her again

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Hello all, Im at a loss at what to do/not do. A little backstory, me and ex dated for a year had a very serious relationship. Things got a little rocky and mostly because i was unhappy with other elements outside the relationship that bled into it. Ex decided to break up. We went back and forth for a few weeks afterwards. i didn't agree with the breakup, but i care greatly about her and happiness so i let her go bc thats what it seemed she wanted.


I heard she took the breakup very hard. About a month later she got into another relationship with a guy we know who comes on any girl very strong and she seemed happy. everyone i know said it seemed like a front though based on what transpired before.


Now I've had literally no contact with her since about 2 weeks after break up, mostly because she's in another relationship. Well i was going to a concert to see my favorite bands with some friends, and found out 2 days before show ex wanted to go as well. She wasn't bringing her bf either. When our mutual friend informed me she was going he was also saying the way she talks about her bf now, how the way she talks about him, she secretly hates him and she says he's complete opposite of me. i didn't ask for any of the info at all just was told to me, friends right?


The day of concert arrived and i took different friend with me as she rode with mutual friends. At the concert, walked around for a bit, grabbed a beer. I looked over and saw them standing so i went up and said hello. made sure to break the ice and say hello to ex gave her a hug so it wouldn't be akward for everyone involved. Well the show went on and everyone had a blast, i did until i slipped on some water and smashed my tailbone into the concrete at the end of show. Afterwards, we all sat outside and talked and i just kind of ignored ex not on purpose just natural conversation. I didn't notice bc i was trying very hard to not look at everything she was doing but friend said when we said our goodbyes she looked visually upset.


I was feeling kinda upset after the whole thing bc i deff kept a smile on my face all night regardless how i felt on the inside. I got home and hour later received a text from her saying hope i had fun it was good to see me. She didn't see me fall so we were talking about my tailbone seeing as in i was in a lot of pain and she's a nurse lol. She ended the convo and said good night and reiterated how glad she was to see me again and put the obligatory smiley face.


Now I don't know what to do or were to go from here. i don't wanna text her bc she has a bf as far as i know right now. idk if there is anything feeling wise on her end left or if she is just being nice. i do but at the same time don't wanna text her to investigate because she's in another relationship, regardless if shes happy in it or not. Idk where to go from here any insight would be appreciated. Thank you (obligatory smiley face :D )

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