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Found Nude Picture in Email

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I was looking though my email and found a nude picture of some chick that had been sent to my boyfriend. She sent it with a not that she lived in the next town over from ours. I'm really upset and hurt by it. He has always talked on chatrooms and he has gotten pictures from females before but I've never seen a nude one. Its very explicit. I was kinda ok with the other ones because they seemed so innocent and I dont really have a problem with him chattin with women on the net. I've asked him before why he feels the need to chat with other females online late at night while I'm asleep and he says its just innocent fun and he's bored so I took it at that. I like to think I'm a very open minded person...But this IMO has gone too far. I need advice on what to do. He's workin right now and I dont know if I should just let it go or confront him on it ??????

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Let it go!


If he would know she is going to send a nude picture and if something was going on, then he would give her an email address that you couldn't check.

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He should not be doing this while you are asleep OR if you have asked him to stop. My marriage is over because of it.


By the way, what does IMHO and IMO stand for? I see alot of acronyms here and have no clue what they are.

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Originally posted by kikilish

I was looking though my email and found a nude picture of some chick that had been sent to my boyfriend. She sent it with a not that she lived in the next town over from ours. I'm really upset and hurt by it. He has always talked on chatrooms and he has gotten pictures from females before but I've never seen a nude one. Its very explicit. I was kinda ok with the other ones because they seemed so innocent and I dont really have a problem with him chattin with women on the net. I've asked him before why he feels the need to chat with other females online late at night while I'm asleep and he says its just innocent fun and he's bored so I took it at that. I like to think I'm a very open minded person...But this IMO has gone too far. I need advice on what to do. He's workin right now and I dont know if I should just let it go or confront him on it ??????


cause he's bored?! tell him to play solitaire or something then, if he's so bored.


please. he's totally up to something and he's doing right in front of your face because you've said all the rest of it was okay. he knows all he has to say to you is "i didn't know she would be naked, how is that my fault?" you can be fairly certain the girl did not say "want to see my senior picture?" and then evilly tricked him into seeing her nude.


i would never put up with this kind of crap, nude picture or not.

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First off I think you have a problem with your boyfriend pusuing other interests.

Your boyfriend might have stumbled on to a stalker, someone who sends a photo like this is off kilter. Many years ago, I was in a good relationship and I was definitely not chatting or flirting with anyone. I open my mail one day to find different photos of me and some pretty nasty xxx photos of some women whom I have never seen.It was disturbing that I was being photoed and I never noticed, really quite creepy.The xxx stuff was also just sick.The next thing was phone calls at 2 am in the morning and hang ups. I had to go to the police who eventually tracked down some girl wth deep mental problems, I had to move!!!


Your boyfriends behavior , which is not right , might have got him more than he bargained for.I'm not trying to scare you but I think its important that people like your boyfriend should realize the risk they are exposing themselves and you to.

This brings a lot of disturbing memories back for me.


Good luck and I wish you well.

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When I was single, I did have people who would send me naked pictures without my realizing it until I opened it. It was a shock value thing.


I also has my soon to be hubby's ex send him a saucy little nake picture of her when we were together the first time. She did it just to **** things up with us.


While I don't have a problem with porn, I DO have a problem with "personalized" porn, even if its people you only "know" online. This girl is close by and therefore can hold a very real threat, and temptation.


He does this stuff while you are asleep. NOT cool. Sneaky behavior when you have an understanding partner is cause for alarm.

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I think people in relationships shouldn't be chatting with other people. Its just asking for trouble. Even if it starts out innocent it might take a turn for the worse, and then one day the chattee who lives 2,000 miles away has to come to town for business. And then your harmless chatting turns into some adulterous boot knocking. I think people should look at it like, if I was talking to this person this way and she was sitting 3 feet away from me in a bar would it be wrong? If the answer is yes then its wrong on the computer too!

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