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I have three words for you...

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ASK... HER... OUT!!!!


I know exactly how it feels to be attracted to a friend, and I know your situation might seem awkward to you, but to almost everyone else who has read your post the answer is crystal clear.


In my experience, it is very unusual for this sort of special friend to be offended or upset if you ask them out, so don't let that hold you back. If you ask politely and tastefully, the absolute worst-case scenario is that she'll say no. You have to accept that risk and forge ahead. If you don't, you'll be condemning yourself to permanent emotional limbo, and will be unable to ask her out or move on with your life and develop an interest in someone else. That, my friend, would be insane. How will you feel if three months down the line another guy asks her out, and she says yes because she's decided you can't possibly be interested in her after all? Speaking from experience, you will feel absolutely terrible, so do a favour for everyone involved and GET MOVING.


You don't have to try any lines on her or otherwise make a big silly production out of this. Just be yourself. It's okay to arrange some private time with her at a restaurant, coffee shop, this "certain activity" you two do together, or anything else you can think of. Then tell her she has a lot of special qualities that you value and admire, that you truly enjoy her company and wish to spend more time with her, and if she'd be interested in going to a movie (or anything else) sometime -- just the two of you -- you would be very open to that. Unless she's completely thick, it will already have ocurred to her that you might feel this way, even though she wasn't sure and didn't wish to make any assumptions.


Are you with me? Of course you are. There really is no trick to this. If she's as kind and selfless as you say, there is no chance that she'll bite your head off.


I wish you the very best of luck! If you haven't asked her out or otherwise moved things forward within ten days, I'm going to track you down and kick your ass. Just kidding.



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