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Girl I Met


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I finally meet a girl I like!! Yes!!


And she volunteers me her business card, says to call her at work. I met her in a bar on saturday night. I LIKE her. Called her at work today, got her voicemail at 12:30 pm, hung up. Called her again at 2:35, again, got her voicemail, left a message saying something like this:


"Hi, Katie, this is Paulie, we had met at XYZ Pub on Saturday night, and you had given me your business card. I really enjoyed talking to you, and I didn't know what your schedule looks like, but I thought we could maybe stop out to get something to eat after work one of these nights. If you could give me a call at work at 111-555-5454, or at home at 111-555-9090....I look forward to hearing from you.




I really dug this girl, and wouldn't bring this to the forum unless I really did like her (alot). Did I do the right thing by leaving a message. If a girl really likes a guy, would she return such a message? I have butterflies in my stomach (which I don't get very often anymore) and I LOVE IT!!





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You said you met her at a bar, right? Well was u both drinkin or drunk or both? She may not remember you. I know alot of times i'll meet a chick at a bar and the next day or so, she won't remember me or i won't remember her. I hope this isn't the case. Its just a thought to keep in mind.

I finally meet a girl I like!! Yes!! And she volunteers me her business card, says to call her at work. I met her in a bar on saturday night. I LIKE her. Called her at work today, got her voicemail at 12:30 pm, hung up. Called her again at 2:35, again, got her voicemail, left a message saying something like this: "Hi, Katie, this is Paulie, we had met at XYZ Pub on Saturday night, and you had given me your business card. I really enjoyed talking to you, and I didn't know what your schedule looks like, but I thought we could maybe stop out to get something to eat after work one of these nights. If you could give me a call at work at 111-555-5454, or at home at 111-555-9090....I look forward to hearing from you. Bye." I really dug this girl, and wouldn't bring this to the forum unless I really did like her (alot). Did I do the right thing by leaving a message. If a girl really likes a guy, would she return such a message? I have butterflies in my stomach (which I don't get very often anymore) and I LOVE IT!! Later, Paulie
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She'll get around to calling you, I'm sure. But she is obviously far more skilled at the art of romance than you. She knows that anyone who calls her immediately on Monday after a Saturday meeting is pretty bullish on her. She also knows that if she waits to call you for a while and let's you sweat a bit, she'll be all the more desireable to you.


I seldom leave messages, personal or business, relative to calls for matters which are important to me. Leaving a message turns all the power over to the other party. I may have to develop a relationship with a secretary, mom or dad, or whoever, but it is far better to call once or twice a day at different times to get your party. By leaving a message, you give up all power and control over the situation and you are then at the mercy of the person you wish to contact.


NOW EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY: If you leave a message, be very limited in the information you give, particularly at a work place where someone else may be fetching the messages for a co-worker (the gal you like) who may be in the field. Letting someone know all the details of what you want may further delay a return call or keep it from happening at all. It's also embarassing if someone else is getting her messages to have than much detail revealed.


If she's a user, she'll wait until she's really hungry to call you for one evening. You should have told her you were "Paulie, the guy she met Saturday night and gave the business card too. Really enjoyed our conversation. Please call me at 555-xxxx at your convenience." That's all.


If you don't hear from her by Wednesday, give her another call...but DON'T leave a message. Keep calling until she answers. When she does answer, just start talking as if you never left a message.


No matter how beautiful, classy, educated or downright wonderful any person seems, you can never know just how flakey they are or just what kind of manners they have until you've known them a while. Take my word for it...been down the road and have the tire marks.

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Dear Paulie,


Tony wrote some goood stuff.


I'm really happy for you :) But just be CAREFUL. Don't sound too desperate. Sound confident.


One VERY important thing: Be careful about the number of times you call her. Almost everyone I know has caller ID at home or on their cellphones. And some have caller ID at work as well. So if you call too many times, she'll see this and you will look VERY desperate! That's a big NO-NO.


You just met her saturday, and you've left her a message now. Now she knows that you're interested in her. But now I think it would be best to wait a few days (3 or 4) and see if she returns your call.


See..she knows you want to talk to her because of your voicemail. But if you wait a few days, she won't feel this way anymore and it'll make her wonder a little. This may sound bad but it's good. Girls don't like guys that are available for them right away. So you'll throw in a little challenge by not trying to call her right away.


Hopefully she'll return it in a couple days. When she does, keep the conversation short and make sure to sound happy that she called but be the first to end the conversation.


Tell us when you get a hold of her and what she says!


I owe you a post about your previous questions last week. But my guy friend just showed me an article about this topic, asking me whether it works or not. Well I'll put that article in a new post because it describes everything I wanted to say, but it says it much better!

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The thing is, though...when you call her office, you get a receptionist, who asks you how she can help you. I say "may I please speak with Katie." She says "may I ask who's calling." Then she transfers me...I get her voicemail. Now, if I call twice a day on wednesday, then this secretary might think I'm a stalker, and pass it on to her. So I kind of had to leave a message. Who knows, maybe she's just out of the office today.


Thanks for the advice, Tony. You're the best!



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When you call, ask the receptionist if she knows when Katie will be in...right off the bat...like you already know she's not there. Then, she'll either give you a time to try again...or she'll tell you Katie's there.


Receptionists are there primarilly to screen and route calls. You don't want to get your name on the voicemail route. You can figure your strategy from here. If she has an email address on her card, wait until Thursday and send her an Email.


If no email address, send her a little note via snail mail. You should have her business address on her card. Send it this weekend and let her know she may not have received your phone message. Just be very brief in what you write. This is assuming you really like this gal enough to go through all the trouble. Let her know who you are, how the two of you met but not too much more.


I know you can handle this.

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She called, left a message on my work voicemail. I had wanted to go to dinner with her after work on friday (low-key, and before we went out with our friends)...but now that'd be pushing it. So I'm just gonna call her tomorrow, and just chat, see what she's got going for the weekend, and play it by ear. Thanks for all the advice, everybody!

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