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blind date

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hi well i have been with my boyfriend for almost 10 months, and we have two friends that we think would get along good with each other. So this Saturday we are setting them up on a date. I am just nervous about the whole thing, because my friend has this way about her that drives guys crazy, and they end up falling in love with her. I hope that our two friends will hit if off with each other, but I am also afraid that my boyfriend will end up being drawn to her too. They have really never hung out with each other before. I think I am just being paranoid because me and my boyfriend have never had a serious relationship with anyone before, and I am afraid that he will be tried of me and want to find something new, even though he says he will never get tired of me. Anyway I think I am just rambling, but if anyone has some input let me know.

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If your boyfriend ends up besting his guy friend and getting sucked in by this girl, you could start seeing the guy or you could just move on.


You really don't need to be seeing someone you don't have any faith or trust in. If you are very insecure about this relationship, it may be the wrong one for you.


If this girl can so easily suck in guys, maybe you ought to try some of her strategies. In any case, you will be better off without your guy if he can so easily be taken away from you.


As a practical matter, it's nice to introduce two people but you ought to let them take it from there. Setting up dates can put you in a very awkward position...and in doing so you seem to be uncomfortable for other reasons.

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