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What to make of it all?


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Anyone shed any light on this?



Hi guys, This'll be long winded so apologies from the Start...


I used to work in a company and got talking to and become friends with a co-worker in a different dept.... She'd stay over after her shift and help me out and chat etc even come in on her day off and help me out unpaid etc and we found we had a lot of interests and things in common. The helping out side she said was because she had nobody at home due to loosing her husband 3 years ago and she preferred to be busy i.e helping me and she also mentioned she doesn't have many friends in the area and doesn't see anybody much outside of her job. She's also came in in the past and helped out elsewhere on her day off. Some nights when everyone would be gone home we'd be still talking 2-3 hours after we'd both finished and carry on chatting via txt later on. She then suggested one day instead of sat in work talking that I could follow here home and we'd eat and I could stay over so we could share a Beer.. I've done this a few times since.


We went away together over the Summer to attend various places we were both interested and had a great time,and I've visited her home many times since and stayed up talking and laughing all night, we've also shared with each other a lot of our past and what we'd learned from it we're also planning short trips away for next year. Occasionally it's been a bit flirty but not overly one She wanted to see my ex Girlfriends picture the other day I was there and she asked questions about her and said maybe she should have her hair like she had it etc.



She was aware I was looking at working at another company and when she found out she txt me asking would I still visit.

Since I left working at that company we've been in touch most days via txt and I've been over to hers more than I ever have done. She says she misses me and it doesn't feel right since I left and some days it was finishing her shift to come down and see me which was the best part of the day but as long as we can still meet up she's happy.



Theres a few things happened really aswell which has made me think does she want more?. I've known for a while I'd like more she's in my mind 24/7 she's not my usual type but as times gone on and I've got to know her better I've become more attracted to her , she's 14years older I'm 35 but things feel right with her. But its her maybe being lonely and that's why she spends time with me and wants to that puts me off progressing. When I leave hers she genuinely seems disappointed I'm leaving and some days doesn't make no attempt to see me out and then makes food so I stay longer, when I do finally leave we stand chatting for ages outside. The last time I was there she said she doubted she would see me as she had to work extra over the weekend period and seemed disappointed.


If she is genuinely lonely and wants the company that's fine by me as she's great company but I really don't want to upset her by suggesting or making a move. I'm more confused with this one than any other time. Things are usually far easier to read.


Probably all BS to you guys but I had to let of steam as it's whirling round in my head 24/7 this one.. Any ideas which way to go?

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Another female friend I've been talking to about this situation advises me to say something. She reckons all the signs are there that it's a mutual thing.



We're now Spending even more time together... She's thinking ahead for when we're both off and when we can spend time together... And says how she's looking forward to it and it'll be nice to see me. Her friends have commented on us as being together. Our Mutual friends seem to think the same , they are aware we spend time together but have never made any comments.



We laugh and Joke about the fact we're seen as together and it doesn't seem to phase either of us.



She told me she had set one of her close friends straight on the fact that we aren't dating as she didn't want to scare me off seeing her friend If I got annoyed with it.

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pink hearts

Tell her how you feel, ask her if she feels the same way and would like to give it a go.


But be ready for any response.

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I think she likes you romantically, but you can never be sure. I think you should ask her out on a real date like nice dinner either on your birthday or her birthday and then get a birthday kiss. If that's not soon enough, invite her over to watch a movie and sit real close to her and start snuggling. Don't try to do it all that night, but just see if she snuggles in or scoots away. If she snuggles in, just keep getting snuggly and keep dating and see where it goes.

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