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How long before trying to move on

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Lets say, hypothetically of course, after 13 years she left...likely she fell out of love or thinks shr fell out of love...said i love u but not in love with u...


Has gone out on dates, at least 2 weeks after she left...with friends n gentleman callers etc...idk what else..


Dude begged n pleaded her to try again, 3.5 months passed since she left physcically how long shuld it be before dude gets involved with someone else,


Ps. Dude went thru the whole begged, pleaded, cried, missed work, said ill do anything u ask, pathetic pretty much thru the whole process,


Met someone in a similar but different situation, and i feel good, too good, too good i feel guilty, for being happy, and idk wtf is going on but i feel less sad... I mean is this acceptable...i feel like im doing something wrong

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