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In love with a friend....


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I have fallen in love with a friend of mine over this past summer. We had a mutual activity that brought us together in the first place and we continue it. We started out as total friends in the beginning, but over the summer a certain chemistry seemed to occur. Friends became involved and constantly brought up the concept of us getting together. To the point of almost ruining all the mystery/fun of getting involved in a relationship before anything happened. She definitely was interested too and the potential was there.


She was getting over someone mentally that she didn't have closure with, so it appeared not to be a good time to make a move from friends to lovers.


We spend a good amount of time together currently, but my feelings haven't changed. I need advice on what to do with a girl that might be just as scared as me to make a move, independent, selfless, only child that has had only one boyfriend previously who fulfills every quality in a women I look for.



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I had the same problem this past summer, the guy i was in love with was my friend and he liked me too. Friends started to make comments on how cute we looked. but I felt that if it was gonna work it had to be between me and him .so i told my friends to stop it. We hung out for a while and eventhough he seemed interested he never made a move. until I told him that i was gonna give myself a chance of finding love if a nice guy came along. That was my signal for him to make a move or lose me. thankfully, we are now a very happy couple and we are considering marriage. My advice is that you continue to be her friend, don't let your friends to interfere and be patient. if she likes you more than a friend, she'll be ready to be your sweetheart once she heals from her past relationship.

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