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Natural Sleeping pills question

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So I've recently been struggling to sleep a lot due to my exam stress and recent break up. I've decided to try these natural sleeping pills that contain Lactium and Zizyphus. So far it has been working great but one thing I've noticed is that I have dreamed every single night now since I started taking it. Is this normal? Does anyone else have similar experiences with sleeping pills?


I'm just curious cause I think it's awesome that I'm guaranteed of dreaming every night thanks to these pills :laugh: and it's good dreams btw... not bad ones:rolleyes:

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I have not tried these Lactium and Zizyphus supplements before. IMO if you are dreaming more that's a good sign and if the dreams are positive one, that's even better. To me that a sign of a food refreshing nights sleep. I'd keep on them assuming there is no chance of effectiveness wearing off with over use, otherwise if I were you I would cycle their usage a bit.

I've used melatonin and valerian before with really good results.

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I've taken Benadryl - for allergies, but that has knocked me out for a good 10-12 hours, and I always end up having nightmares - which I don't mind as much when I realize I'm awake and alive.


I'm very hesitant to try out sleeping pills - I wouldn't take the risk.


If I were you, OP, after the exams I would just start regulating my sleep cycle naturally.

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I don't believe in a "quick pill" to resolve an issue...


Over the years I've heard bad stories about the side effects of Ambien an other stuff.


Have you tried things like meditation MP3s/CDs/tracks? I've used Belleruth Naparstek and Beth Freshi. You can go to places like Amazon and listen to a track and see who's voice/style you like.


When I have to get up early and/or keep a normal sleeping I use them. They teach you proper breathing and talk you down. It does take a minute to get used to, but when you let go, it gets so easy that when I put them in, I am down. Now, if I'm having a difficult nite, sometimes I have to play the track twice.


Not too long ago, my mom told me that when she was restless, she would sit with a book and read...Go figure, so I guess both she and I have/are using alternative methods to going to sleep.


But, when you think about it, before all these pills - what did people do? Count sheep? A glass of warm milk?

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