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falling apart


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I have been having problems for about 4 years now , after my husband had an affair , and wouldn't deal with it, and then did it again three more times .


I developed all kinds of health problems, my chest muscles swell and make my joints rub togeather , I get a pain from my hip to my foot , my hair is falling out ,and the weird thing is I think it is him that is causing it , I have had many tests and Mri's and even bone scans and they all show nothing, but I am living in pain , the really weird thing is we were seperated for awhile and I felt wonderful NO PAIN !


We are togeather right now and all of the pain is back,I am having a very hard time , putting the past behind , could the stress of it all be making me sick ?


Has anyone had something like this happen to them ?

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The mind is a power thing. If you don't have these symptoms when he's not around, turn off your computer right now, pack your bags and be on your way.


These symptoms are absolutely psychosomatic. They are 100 percent created by you in your response to being in this relationship. Get away from it.


I'm actually surprised you had to ask.


Now, if before you make your final decision you want a medical opinion, get one from a highly skilled psychologist or psychiatrist.


At the rate you're going, you could have much more serious problems if you don't get away from this guy...in my opinion.

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your have multiple health problems when you are with him due to stress, yet you feel healthy without him. i think the healthiest option for you is obvious....


i've never had symptoms such as the one you described, but i spent 5 years in a relationship with one very messed up guy. i ended up breaking up with him because, not only was i on the verge of a nervous breakdown, i had lost so much weight and had trouble sleeping. emotionally, i had my self-esteem crushed because of what happened between us. i will *never* put myself in a situation like that again. i was really pissed off with myself after i split up with him that i could have put myself in a situation where i let one human being affect me like that.


when an unhealthy relationship starts to reflect on you physically (and emotionally), and you know you're happier without him, then perhaps you should cut your losses and do what is healthy for you.

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Have a look at the book You Can Heal Your Life for ideas - I am told that upper back is a man. Middle - a few different thoughts.


Noone can cause anything unless you allow it. If you believe that it is his fault then I'm told whatever you believe will happen. Watch your thoughts ok?


Thyroid problem?????


I have been having problems for about 4 years now , after my husband had an affair , and wouldn't deal with it, and then did it again three more times . I developed all kinds of health problems, my chest muscles swell and make my joints rub togeather , I get a pain from my hip to my foot , my hair is falling out ,and the weird thing is I think it is him that is causing it , I have had many tests and Mri's and even bone scans and they all show nothing, but I am living in pain , the really weird thing is we were seperated for awhile and I felt wonderful NO PAIN ! We are togeather right now and all of the pain is back,I am having a very hard time , putting the past behind , could the stress of it all be making me sick ? Has anyone had something like this happen to them ?
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I know I am mentally, physical and emotionally in deep pain because of him and know I need to get out of this relationship , I have made an appointment with a therepist ,


and now need to find an attorney , I have no choice I have to get healthy for me and my childrens sake.


Thanks for confirming what I already knew !

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